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Political discussion bothers me

PKponder TX Z7B
8 years ago

The comment isn't about anyone here. My husband gets so worked up talking about specific political parties that I worry for his health. I don't want to hear it, he sounds like a fanatic and I can feel the anxiety pour off of him. He rants in person and rants online and once got into such a heated discussion with a friend that he literally blew a blood vessel in his eye. I've tried changing the subject and shushing him but that doesn't really work.I suggested that he 'do something' in the sense that he should become involved with other folks that feel as he does and generate petitions or something positive toward his cause, he really has trouble getting started with that.

He needs to vent. I am having difficulty with obliging him because the anger and yelling are upsetting to me and I worry about him. We share many of the same opinions, but I am not as worked up about it as he is. I feel like politics are cyclical and eventually politicians are replaced by other politicians, we could get good results with the next one. Maybe I am a sheep, but I don't think so, I just don't see any benefit in getting angry.

Anyone ever gone through something like this? How did you cope?

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