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I can see Venus!

Or at least I can see two Venus Fly Traps in my lanai. My kids have been dying for me to get them some for at least a year now. I finally broke down and got them each one and now, no surprise, it is on me to keep them alive and thriving. I've done a bit of research and I think I have everything in order, the only thing I can't find is information on how much light they will want here in Florida. Right now I have them in my lanai since they came from the florescence lit interior of a big box store. They sit about 5 ft from my screens and so they start getting sun around 5:30-600pm as the sun drops to the horizon. I have read people's accounts of putting them on a window sill or under dedicated lighting, but not much information on keep them outdoors. I believe that being in Central Florida they will never actually go out in the garden but will stay within the confines of the lanai, but will I want to move them to sunnier locations? And if so, how much sun will they ideally want?

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