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Why I look in the box before tossing

9 years ago

One of the boxes I recently sorted through was marked "Wedding and Move." It's probably been 20 years since I looked in there; we'll celebrate 25 years soon!

But I didn't want to just toss it. In fact, I won't throw out a piece of paper until I've read it; I open every greeting card. Here's what I found:

* a check for $15 that was a wedding present (it was inside an envelope and greeting card; can't cash it now!)

* two $10 bills and a $20 (each was inside an envelope & card; fortunately the envelope had "thank you written" on it, so I know I thanked people)

* a long handwritten letter from my mom telling me how much she thought my groom suited me (Mom died 3 years ago, so this is extra precious)

* a necklace w/ my name engraved on it, in an unmarked envelope that was sealed so the broken chain pieces wouldn't slip out

* the poem that then-8-yo Meg wrote for us as a wedding present; I have looked for it off and on through these past 25 years

I kept a manila envelope's worth of stuff, and ditched the rest of the box.

What have you found while decluttering that was precious?

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