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Winter comfort food

10 years ago

Winter has finally sank its teeth in here. Yesterday, doing chores, I fought like the dickens to pull frozen strings off the bales, some I won the fight with, others I didn't. Wind chill was around minus 30 and my cheeks were more than a little red.

The day called for some winter comfort food, so last night, I made a stew with dumplings and biscuits. We sat down to dinner and to watch Canada win GOLD! at the World Junior Hockey Championship. Kicked a little Russian butt.

Today, no wind chill, but we now have about 10 inches of new snow, the strings were just as frozen on the bales, the calves were rushing in for their chop faster than I could get in the troughs, and we had to get some bales in for the bulls. I hate bulls.

Tonight it is clean out the fridge night.. left over stew, left over goose and a fresh loaf of honey oat bread. I would have preferred to make a big bowl of beef barley soup instead, but maybe tomorrow. When it is this cold, high calorie, starchy meals sure hit the spot.

What is your craving for winter comfort food.

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