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Are you still running xp

10 years ago

For one reason or another I have not yet converted to windows 7 and a new computer.

Are you still running xp... how long do you figure you can do that. What kinds of problems do you anticipate.


Comments (52)

  • 10 years ago

    Still using 4 machines with XP. Have a Win hate8 ( never use it). Hubby uses a Win 7. I'm hoping to hold out until Win 10 comes out, unless I hear that Win 8 will be upgradable for free.

    No problems so far, keep everything updated and back up frequently.


  • 10 years ago

    I run XP at times ... but I am running it as a "virtual machine" inside a Linux-based computer.

    No matter what happens to it, if I shut it down and re-start the virtual machine it comes back the way it was when I created that instance of XP.

    Heck ... I even have a virtual machine of Windows NT, Win95 and Win3.1 to mess with.

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  • 10 years ago

    You won't get windows update, but if you keep your anti virus and malware software up to date, you will be okay.

  • 10 years ago

    I am still running it too (yes, with current antivirus and malware) with IE8. However, during the last 2-3 weeks, I started to notice that some webpages do not open when I click on them (error "IE cannot display the webpage"). They work fine using Firefox Version 34.0.5 so I am assuming that webpage source code changes are giving IE8 a fit and I may need to switch to Firefox all the time.

  • 10 years ago

    See my post above. Only use FF. Never IE except for Win updates (Office updates still come in plus Malware Removal Tool). All the computers run fine. Just updated all the Adobes.

    So far, so good...


  • 10 years ago

    I have started using Mozilla's Pale Moon browser rather than Firefox. Seems to be very good.

  • 10 years ago

    We use XP at work, and a lot of other companies do as well, and so I think security does not have to be an issue. Overall, it appears that Windows 7 is the most popular. I have windows 8.1 at home and have not had particularly more problems with that than I did with 7. I have several programs that would not run on anything beyond XP, but I have decided to live without them. One was AutoCAD, and I am using DraftSight now instead, which is free for personal use. The main program I have not replaced is Keplar Astrology. I've decided I do not need that anymore and will live life without guidance from the planets.

  • 10 years ago

    AutoCAD most certainly runs on Windows 7 and 8. I'll guess that your copy that doesn't is old and out of date.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm running XP and will continue until any new hardware I might buy wont run it, that is to say even if I get a new computer I will continue to run XP. The only issue is that I can't run a decent version of IE anymore but Firefox works just fine.

    I suppose that one day I may find some piece of software that I "have to have" that is incompatible with XP but that looks to be some time away. I still have a computer I use as a file server that runs NT4... no problems there either.

  • 10 years ago

    I had a problem with the windows update and had to reformat. I turned off windows update until I had the PC set up. I had not turned them on when I tried to install MS Office 2010. MS over rode my settings and installed the updates that I needed for that software only. I was surprised and found when I googled that they do that. Not sure they would do it for an OS they no longer support anymore but it would be fun to try just to see.

    I no longer update windows, I only update my software. I have
    W 7.

    This post was edited by EmmaR on Sat, Dec 20, 14 at 11:42

  • 10 years ago

    I've read this thread and most of the others that have been previously posted in regard to this topic. In them I have read the reasons to continue with XP.

    With all absolute respect due, expect for a financial reason I cannot understand with W10 coming out why any user would want to use a system four generations behind in utility, operations and security.

    But that's me, and of course any user has the right to self-determination. That's what makes the world go around.


  • 10 years ago

    Because most people are afraid to move away from what is familiar to them, and that's not just concerning computers !

  • 10 years ago

    Maybe they just use it as a tool and are not interested in spending money when they don't need do. I do what I do because it is fun and I love learning how to use it and googling for every question that comes up regarding everything, especially Sean Connery. I don't even need it for any other reason. I don't even do email anymore, but I have it so my server can contact me if they need to. I learn by buying a new system. I set it up and then sit there..............what now????

    Maybe you should not question why they want to use the older OS, they do not ask you why you waste your money on a new one if the old one works.

  • 10 years ago

    I cannot understand with W10 coming out why any user would want to use a system four generations behind in utility, operations and security.

    Because Windows Vista sucked (I had the dubious privelege of running it for software testing while the entire company ran XP for stability)

    Because Windows 7, 8, and 9 suck

    Because Windows 10 will probably just be an enhanced, fancier version of 7, and still suck?

    XP was the last really robust OS that Microsoft produced ... all the rest had eye candy galore and enough bugs to fill a tropical rain forest.

  • 10 years ago

    So what OS do you suggest for the average user?

  • 10 years ago

    My AutoCAD disc is old - version 2000, but it worked fine on XP but not on any later operating system. It is an extremely expensive program and not worth the cost to update when I can get a free version of DraftSight that will do what I need. We are using an old version of AutoCAD at work and have no need to update it, unless we update our operating system - therefore we choose not to update either.

  • 10 years ago

    I am not lazygardens, but will give my opinion anyway. I want every user of computers to use what they want without a lecture or without anyone insinuating they are stupid for not using a system they like. Some people drive new cars, some like old, what difference should it make to anyone else.

    So many good people have left this forum and you people who know it all can't even figure out why. Now that is stupid.

  • 10 years ago

    Gosh, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been polite and recognize that users have a right to choice. Good grief!


  • 10 years ago


    This post was edited by lazygardens on Sun, Dec 21, 14 at 13:54

  • 10 years ago

    Kudzu ... Linux Mint is good, free, and easy to install, has a familiar menu-based interface with the

    With "WINE" you can install and run most of your existing Windows software on Linux.

    Has far lower vulnerability to viruses than any Windows (except NT).

    It will recognize an existing Windows installation and set up the machine as dual boot so you can use either one.

    My issues with Microsoft and Windows stem from having used it since Windows began ... it's been a love-hate relationship for that long.

    Word for Windows is still better than anything the open source advocates have been able to produce, but overall the Microsoft products are too vulnerable to malware and hacking attacks.

  • 10 years ago

    I find myself in the unaccustomed position of agreeing with both zep and DA at the same time.

    Emma, I'm sure you're a nice person but on this topic you're not well informed.

    And so lazy thinks Windows 9 sucks? Reminds me of teenage years, I grew up during surfing madness. Comments about where people went and what they experienced were often more BS than truth. When sensing myself talking to someone like that, I'd say I'd had a great morning the prior Saturday at Sonova Beach, had they ever been there (many beaches in the area had Spanish names - there was Zuma, Sorrento, San Onofre, Corona, etc)? More often than not, the target would relate their experiences at Sonova from a different day.

    I'll be sure to stay away from Windows 9, and agree that others should too.

  • 10 years ago

    Emma, 'You go girl!'

    Da, I feel you have become very argumentative lately. I don't remember you being that way years ago. I don't like it nor do others. Giving information is one thing, but treating people as if they don't know what they are doing, is another.

    I've been around a long time. Held on forever to Win 98. Waited for XP which I loved and still do. It's a choice. A risk? Maybe...but I'm not sure any Windows system isn't vulnerable for risk.

    I have Win 8 and it has been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for 2 years. We also have Win 7 which my husband uses because it operates more like XP.

    There are so many people and businesses still using XP it is rude and disingenuous to suggest they don't know what they are doing.

    Another point. Being of the Senior generation, money is a real consideration. Learning to use a totally revamped operating system is a stretch. My husband (83) cannot manage Win 8. He learned XP enough to do his photo editing and getting his emails. He does not have a 'smart phone.' Apps are something he has no idea about nor wants to. I help older adults struggling to remember and to write things down when they mess up their machines.

    MS throwing Win 8 and forcing it on everyone is disgusting. I'm very pissed and if you don't like it, so be it. I will wait hoping Win 10 is similar to XP so many older adults can continue using their computers.


  • 10 years ago


    Thank you for the character assassination. Perhaps it is just that I don' fit the mold of yourself and the claimed unidentified others.

    If I don't agree, I don't agree. If I don't understand something, I don't understand. If I don't like something, I don't like it. If I am the only one here who feels as I do unless proven wrong, which I have been, I will stand behind my position rather than being a hypocrite. Nor am I a sheep.

    You perhaps have lacked to notice how I am polite and respectful. I would never purposely make fun of a member, belittle them, or embarrass them. I leave those transgressions to others.

    On rare occasions I have been rubbed the wrong way or seen an injustice to a member where in defensive response I have been blunt, and I always regret being that way. To avoid this calamity I have erased posts, or announced I will post no more on a thread.

    Now let me bring a couple of phrases up from my posts on this thread:

    "With all absolute respect due......", "But that's me, and of course any user has the right to self-determination. That's what makes the world go around.", and "I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been polite and recognize that users have a right to choice."

    I don't believe at anytime I treated people as if they don't know what they are doing. I might just have a difference of opinion, or don't understand. Both of which are viable.

    It is unfortunate you are uncomfortable with my posts, and I am sorry that is so.


    This post was edited by damccoy on Sat, Dec 20, 14 at 21:21

  • 10 years ago

    Thank you Jane,

  • 10 years ago

    DA, 'character assassination?"

    There is something about the way you are responding with people using XP which is condecending. This forum is for help with computer problems. Might be all sorts of reasons why many continue to use XP over Win8. I would assume they have their reasons. Help should still be available, not criticism of their choice.

    Snidely stated - "W8/8.1 is just fine. I've had mine for a year now without a concern, a blink or a regret. Some users just resist change." .......What a assumption. How do know why users don't want 8?

    DA, stated - "I still predict that there will be disappointed users when W10 isn't XP all over again. " Maybe so, but could be a lot of other reasons.

    I have Win8. I 'chose' to not use it. I don't like it. I'm not alone. There are many businesses who are still running XP. Maybe they can't afford to change, or deal with software changes.

    There is a large part of the population still unemployed. Money has been tight for many since 2008. People decide what they need to spend their money on. When you look at Win 8 and notice Microsoft is coming out with another version in less than a year, people make decisions where and when to spend their money.

    Why is that difficult to understand? I don't think computers are luxury items. They have become a necessity for most of us.

    Personally, I use Word and Excel. I have a lot of photos. I do investing. I would have to spend a lot of time and trouble to transfer everything over to a new machine. I've had trouble and still do, with documents saved in older Office versions. Many had to be redone or deleted entirely. MS decided to come out with another MS Office. I still have 03 and 07. Took me a year to figure out the changes. I still have trouble using both versions. I find the whole thing infuriating to take so much of my time and money to start figuring all this stuff over again. I would prefer not to spend valuable time doing this.

    I will continue to use XP as long as my software operates. So far everything works fine. I have many computers in excellent condition working XP. They do what I need them to do, very well. I should toss them because MS came out with something better? How are they better for what I use them for?

    I have an Iphone/Ipad. I have all the Apps I need on the phone and tablet. I don't use my computers for that. I use my computers for my work.

    No 'character assassination.' Just opinion and you and Snidely just don't seem to get it.


  • 10 years ago

    I also have no problem with a user who chooses to continue using XP. Make whatever choice works for you and have a nice day. However, I also insist that they take full and complete responsibility for any negative consequences resulting from continuing to use XP. If your computer gets hacked...if your online banking/shopping is compromised...if you end up with popups galore because you insist on using an old-insecure Internet Explorer then don't blame Microsoft, your Internet provider, your antivirus software or anything/anyone else for not protecting you. It is no one else's fault if you are unwilling or unable to use a newer OS, and Microsoft has no obligation to make the new look or work like the old did. Like it or not, improvements to any product are the result of change and if you don't like the product don't use it. You have options, and if you choose not to explore them then perhaps it is time to rethink your entire set of needs for using a computer. I still know plenty of people who get along fine without them.

  • 10 years ago


    Perhaps in your zeal to defend your position your view has narrowed as to my posts. I make every effort to never appear condescending when disagreeing I think it is wrong and speak out against it. So please don't lump me with others who I agree actually do that.

    As to XP:

    I personally do not care or have a say in what any user does or has.

    I can say from personal experience the delay to upgrade expands the learning curve greatly. I held on to my W98 way too long before replacing it with Vista which was an outstanding system. It was quite a task to catch up, and I am a middle knowledge user with a ability to ferret out information on the web. (Dreamweaver taught me). Also, because of this delay I lost the aforementioned utility, operations and security of the system upgrade.

    Again, what a user does is personal choice or situation. However in general, I believe that the forum besides helping members has a responsibility to politely promote system service, security and advancement as a viable option whenever possible.


  • 10 years ago

    Come on people now
    Smile on your brother
    Everybody get together
    Try to love one another
    Right now

    Some may come and some may go
    We shall surely pass
    When the one that left us here
    Returns for us at last
    We are but a moment's sunlight
    Fading in the grass

    Come on people now

  • 10 years ago

    "Because most people are afraid to move away from what is familiar to them, and that's not just concerning computers !"

    Come on people now!!!

  • 10 years ago


    There have been many threads in this forum, and there are enumerable more available via a search, explaining how in 2 minutes or less a PC with Win 8 can be made to appear and perform forever after as if it had XP or Win 7 under the hood.

    Did you miss them? Why not make the simple fix and move on?

    zep - nice Jessie Colin Young quote. There's a guy who made a career out of two songs (this one and Darkness Darkness)

  • 10 years ago

    I'm still using XP. Just remember if you change to 7 or 8 or whatever is going to be the newest, a lot of your old software will probably also have to be repurchased. We just upgraded one XP computer to 7 and pretty much had to be rebuilt. UGH! It even had to have a new motherboard. It's handy to have a husband that does this for a living! He absolutely is hating Windows 8 and is hoping Microsoft comes up with a better version of windows the next go round. I believe he said that he heard that they were going to skip over 9 and call it 10 but I may have misheard that. They created 8 to be like cell phones and if I want to use a cell phone, I'd use a cell phone. It's not for every one. I can't see any need to be able to use a touch screen on my monitor. Seems very awkward if you ask me having to reach my hands all up in the air to touch my screen up on my desk. Whatever!

  • 10 years ago

    Snidely, do you really think I haven't upgraded because of the 'look?'

    Lets try, cost for a new computer when my machines work perfectly. BTW, I also have older tv's which don't have the 'latest and greatest' but still work perfectly well.

    The cost to replace software which I need and don't have the money to replace. As a matter of fact, have an Epson professional printer which will not work on Win7. The printer cost over $1,000.00

    I do not have the money to replace Office.

    Tough living on a fixed income when you are older. One hopes the computers and cars keep working. One tries to figure out priorities. It is not a matter of replacing perfectly working computers, but all the software and hardware attached to them.

    DA, my argument is based on MS changing Windows every few years. I object to folks who think it is a simple thing to change everything because MS decides to come out with a stupid version which looks like my phone. It is much more than buying a new computer. Its trying to get everything to work together, to save important work without spending half your life trying to figure out why nothing is working.

    My computers are not a luxury.

    Enough said, its apparent you don't 'get it.'


  • 10 years ago

    Jane, I've tried to be helpful, but your story changes with every post.

    You complain about Win 8, but it sounds like the real problem is that your printer isn't even compatible with Win 7? Is the problem that you bought new equipment without checking for compatibility of the old equipment you wanted to keep using with it? A new printer can be found for $100 or less.

    You're on a fixed income, but you use your PC equipment for business?

    You can't afford to upgrade MS Office, but have you tried the free (and very capable) substitute Open Office?

    All software moves on and is rarely backward compatible. I have an Apple product that Apple simply shoved overboard. No updates, no new app purchases or downloads, no compatibility.

    Try finding tires for a 15 year old car - I tried a few months ago, what I'd bought before was no longer available. It's the same thing. Old things are not always forever available, new things don't always work with old things.

    I'm dumping the car - do the same with your old equipment.

  • 10 years ago

    snide, some of us don't have a pile of money that we can just go and buy a new this or that. I've never had a bit of trouble buying new tires for an old vehicle! My truck is 22 years old and still going strong. Tires are so totally different than computers it's not even worth the comparison. Jane does not have to explain her entire life history to you so she can get your approval! MS changes their operating system every couple years to get us to spend money on new MS products...plain and simple! Some people fall for it and others, like myself, buck the system for as long as possible!

    This post was edited by arkansas_girl on Mon, Dec 22, 14 at 7:15

  • 10 years ago


    Just to be fair and balanced for readers, in the thirteen months I have had W8/8.1 I have not had to repurchase any applications. Even my Quicken 2012 and Microsoft 2007 Office Enterprise work fine. Nor have five of the six laptops I have set up for others required any new applications.

    The one unsuccessful laptop was a governmental township system on which a state provided election application would not configure to W8.1. I was told by support "it was specifically designed for W7".


    This post was edited by damccoy on Mon, Dec 22, 14 at 10:37

  • 10 years ago

    I think this whole post has gotten ridiculously out of hand. What on earth is everyone arguing about. It is a users choice and financial status that determines which operating system they have. As long as that computer is well protected, it is no more vulnerable to hacking than a brand new one. I repaired a 98 for a person last week. No, it wasnt hacked, no, it didnt have any virus. He runs a very well protected machine. It was a ram issue. The 98 runs just fine. It also still does what he needs it to do, and he cannot afford to replace it. The week before, I had a 8.1 machine on here. It hadnt been hacked, but, it sure was full of virus. It also runs like crap, even after everything was cleaned, and it really isnt the fault of the virus, it has run like crap since she purchased it. Another friend has an 8.1 and it runs perfectly and she loves it. Myself, I run XP and Vista, and have 3 perfectly good 98's that I also use on occasion. All run excellent. I see no need to purchase a new computer when what I have, works excellent, and I couldnt afford to replace it anyway. This whole topic needs to end. It is silly.

  • 10 years ago

    Cat my long time friend,

    Good to see you do a drive by. As always your input is thought out and presented well.


    This post was edited by damccoy on Mon, Dec 22, 14 at 15:35

  • 10 years ago

    Thanks, DA. A drive by is about all I do here, these days. LOL

  • 10 years ago

    She also has a lot of common sense.

  • 10 years ago

    Wow. Lots of drama for such a banal topic.
    Look. Microsoft's business model is to get you to buy a new OS every 2-3 years. That's not a secret. Every time they calculate just the amount of improvement to garner relatively positive reviews and get the right number of people to upgrade. It's all a numbers game. If you're happy being a pawn in that...fine. At least, unlike Apple, they don't want to also make you pay a hardware surcharge to have access to the very excellent OS X. You have a choice of which corporate goliath to be ripped off by, and how. It's a free market.
    However, I've been using Linux since 1999 and it has made huge advances. My advice would basically be that of lazygardens. If you just want to do the standard stuff - email, web - use Linux or (2nd choice) a Chromebook. It's just not worth paying the fee MS charges for their OS for the hassles you incur. OTOH, I -would- pay $120 for OS X on PC platform...but Apple will never do that. Charging you, so that you can feel cool, $2000 for a laptop that cost them $300 to make is just too profitable. I recent asked some affluent DC area teenagers at a Thanskgiving party if they knew anybody who had an Android phone, as I do. The look on their faces suggested that would be the equivalent of wearing an IBM mainframe on your back. (I wonder if it would be different in the Bay Area, or NYC. DC is always slightly behind the times) You gotta hand it to Apple, IMHO they are the most successful marketing company since Birkenstocks in the early 1990s. Everybody who thinks they are cool, whether they are rich, poor, young, old, Republican or Democractic, has to have their product.

  • 10 years ago

    you can disconnect an old machine from the web .... and not worry about security issues ...

    so use your old machine... disconnected ... with all its old programs ... and peripherals ....

    and just get a new machine .... for WWW work .... you would probably be amazed what you can get ... machine.. and memory-wise.. for a half or a quarter of what you invested in the old machine .... it really is mind bending ...

    then.. all you have to figure out.. is how to get info from one to the other ... and a memory stick.. or some such... will usually get around that ...

    you guys seem to be trapped in the one machine for everything issue ...

    if i liked to tour the woods in a 4 wheel truck .. i would have an old beat up one for two tracking and ditch driving... and a nicer newer one.. for the roads ... and work ...

    personally ... for the cost of W10 ... and the hours it will take an old 7 person to install and learn it... [not to mention the mind bending stress .. lol] ..... for about 300 bucks.. you can have a new machine and be enjoying both... inside a half day ...

    when its all said and done.. i would probably wait until 10 came out ... if you can wait that long ...

    right now.. an investment of a stand alone memory.. and full backup for the old machine on that.. MIGHT save you ... from future disaster.. if you rely on an unsupported .. wired to the WWW ... operating system ...


    Here is a link that might be useful: and you could get it for about half... if you coule figure out how to share the old moniter ....

  • 10 years ago

    Although, in fairness to Apple...I just took a quick look at their laptops. Looks like the premium for the name is coming down, a bit. I remember when I was shopping for a laptop back around 2007 and a again in 2011, they were a least 40-50% more than equivalent PC laptops.
    But that's because laptops don't matter as much as they did. Ipads are where it's at now.

  • 10 years ago

    David, I think you are right on about MS and new OSs. I buy every new OS that comes out because it is fun to learn and I give my old one away. My present goal is to spend it all and at my age I've got to get with the program. It's not that I have a huge amount of money it's because I have so little time left and I really, really enjoy messing with these machines. W 7 is the first OS that I am keeping, it is the greatest I have experienced. If I want to experience W 10 I will install it on my W 8 laptop. I like my desktop and only use tablets for reading. I don't understand the device popularity, especially for surfing. To me it is like watching TV on a 20 inch TV when you can watch a 50 inch.

  • 10 years ago

    One thing interesting about this thread is the comments and input from multiple "Garden Web" members who I don't recognize, and they are all ten year and more members. It's good to have them drive by and share.

  • 10 years ago

    "I also have no problem with a user who chooses to continue using XP. Make whatever choice works for you and have a nice day. However, I also insist that they take full and complete responsibility for any negative consequences resulting from continuing to use XP."

    ... and just who else would be taking responsibility for this ???

  • 10 years ago

    damccoy, the reason members that have not been here before are now here (at least speaking for myself) is the fairly recent addition of the list of "most recent posts" that is now to the right of my screen. I find myself looking to see if anything sounds interesting and click on it.

    I agree with ken's idea of having a new computer and an old one, why not? My husband has a customer that runs a business that keeps it's important files on a computer that is NOT connected to the Internet. They also have their new computer that IS connected to the Internet. It works great for them.

    Just keep your files backed up and keep those up to date and if your computer gets infested with viruses and such, just reformat the thing, it's not that big of a deal really. Be sure and burn your recovery disks when you get your computer and don't lose them!

  • 10 years ago


    I actually thought that might be the case. I have jumped to "foreign" forums based on similar observations.

    Having an orphaned computer for storing critical data has always been supported by me. It makes so much sense.


  • 10 years ago

    I have XP Computer (with Google Chrome) (Avast Security),

    Windows 7 Computer (with IE 11) (Microsoft Essentials),

    Vista Laptop (with IE 9) (Microsoft Essentials)

    and one Apple ipad....

    My favorite computer is my XP Dell Computer....I love Microsoft Works.....

    Cat....I always watch for your are my favorite Computer Forum Poster....Thank you for being here....

    Very interesting comments from Computer Forum Posters....everyone is different and we should not be so judgemental.....and sanctimonious......Happy New Year!

  • 10 years ago

    is the fairly recent addition of the list of "most recent posts" that is now to the right of my screen. I find myself looking to see if anything sounds interesting and click on it.

    ==>>> bingo bango ... thats what brought me here ...

    I agree with ken's idea

    ==>>> man i like the sound of that.. lol ... dont hear it at home enough ... lol ...

    actually .. i threw it out there... mostly because i have been wondering about the logic ...

    these arent cars.. you are allowed to own.. more than one ... you dont have to turn in the old one ..... and the tech geeks know that ..

    but us common folks.. dont think along those lines ... often ... and this is what i call.. in most of my usual haunts... thinking outside the box ... and in this case... the box is.. the old one.. doesnt have to disappear .... use it ... just use it in a different way ....

    take care.. and merry christmas ...


  • 10 years ago

    arkansas girl, no one should need to resort to a periodic reformat (Recover) of their PC to deal with infestations. That's a sign that someone is doing one or more things fundamentally wrong. It should be "never" or "once in a lifetime" occurrence for most users.

    Using an old PC as the only backup for important files is as imprudent as keeping important personal papers in a leaky garden shed instead of a safe deposit box. Everyone has different backup needs. Whether it's by burning CDs/DVDs or using thumb drives, SD cards or external drives, using fresh media (and multiple instances) for important files is more secure. An old PC approaching end of life could (and will) suffer any number of different failures that will obliterate the "backup". If files are REALLY important, a second copy should be kept at a different location, away from where the first copy is.

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