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The Best Gifts Are Books

12 years ago

Several books to look forward to this Christmas.

From my S-in-Law The Etymologicon by Mark Forsyth. Described as a 'circular stroll though the hidden connections of the English language'. Apparently Forsyth writes a blog under the name 'inky fool' and his interest in words goes back to a christening present of the Oxford English Dictionary. Nothing like an early start.

My husband gave me The Necessary Aptitude a memoir of English popular entertainer Pam Ayres, who is possibly not know outside the Commonwealth, but is a witty and very down-to-earth country girl.

Also Mr Tibbits's Catholic School by Ysenda Maxtone Graham. Originally only a small print run from the Slightly Foxed press, but the 'word' got about and it is proving very popular, even the PM "Call me Dave" Cameron is reading it (I can hear Dido's teeth grinding in disgust). I will report back.

Here is a link that might be useful: Pam Ayres . . . on husbands.

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