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Mad Men: Have you seen it?

14 years ago

I borrowed Season 1 from the library and started watching the first episode this afternoon. It's so realistic! Disturbingly, so, in a way, at least for me, because I worked in Manhattan (and lived there) during the sixties, and was in many ways a part of that scene. All the smoking makes me squirm today, but that's what we did--just about everybody.

And we drank. We often drank heavily at lunch, and then went back to work. The men usually kept bottles in their desks. Looking back, I don't know how we did that. Or why! It's not at all compatible with my present life, and not at all appealing. But it was standard operating procedure at that place and time.

I haven't even mentioned the rampant sexism! I think Mad Men is probably a good show, and I'll enjoy it if I can get over the squirming. :-)

Anyone else?

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