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Good Morning on Saturday!

13 years ago

Morning All,

The rummage sales today were not so good. I only bought 3 nice embroidery hoops for a total of twenty five cents. Yesterday was much better. I found lots of church type cookbooks and they were five for a dollar. I got a bunch of those and will have a lot of fun looking though them. For a dollar I bought a nice new Wilton Texas sized muffin pan, and for fifty cents a big pie pan with a cover for the top. For two dollars I got a big matching set of plastic storage containers with lids and they all fit inside of each other. I have a good use for those in my pantry.

I also watched Baby Alyssa for a few hours so her Mommy could tidy up their home.

Yesterday I baked a big pan of brownies for Amber and Mike to take to a birthday pitch in and I also baked for us this weekend a glazed lemon cake. Today I am getting ready to put together a pot roast in my crock pot and make some coleslaw for tomorrow's dinner after church, here at home. I have a bunch of tomatoes and some peppers to wash up and do something with.

The weather here isn't too bad after being very, very foggy this morning early. It is 73 outside right now and a little overcast. Looks like I really should get busy. What have you all been doing lately?

Sue in Central Indiana

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