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Gas station prices

8 months ago
last modified: 8 months ago

I no longer drive so am not familiar with gas station prices but an article by Fox popped up about gas station prices in California and I wondered if it was true, it does seem expensive

. Please note that I would never voluntarily go to a Fox news site, the article just sort of popped up while I was doing a search for something else.

Comments (80)

  • 8 months ago

    "And Fox in its typical sensation mongering fashion has elected to promote this outlier gas station as the status quo across the state."

    And so did nearly every other media source so please look in the mirror.

    "Their bias is legendary!!"

    Yes I agree but easily surpassed by MSNBC's bias and outright lies, along with many other sources, pick your poison.

    "disparaging and baseless comments."

    An opinion is just that and not usually based on fact or knowledge, and this forum is akin to a kitchen table or bar room discussion. So whats your point?

  • 8 months ago

    No other major network has been successfully sued for knowingly and repeatedly lying about a major news story. That's the difference between FOX and the other major players.

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    Aluminum foil doenst protect against skimming, skimming is a result of a cloned card reader taking that info and storing it, most of these happen when your card is out of site, as in a restuarant, gas station ect, usually by a legal employee who has your card. In fact the vast majority of small time scammed cards are brick and mortor businesses, not internet or data transfer sites.. THE only thing you would worry about in case of stolen over the air cards is with your "contactless" cards (you know the ones that you can "wave" at something to pay with) You can avoid getting these RFID chips competely, they are only abourt 3.5 % of the total amount of cards out there, dont bother with pass techonology, all of these machines have swipes on them. If your worried about that, call your card company and request if your card is a RFID card or a contactless one, you can cancel it. Shield, aluminum foil may or may not in fact protect you from scam readers. There are a few misconceptions about cards now, federal law limits your liablity to 50.00, most MAJOR card companies do not hold you responsible at all, the way businesses report this fraud against you has changed as well. If the charge happened over the phone and internet, you have no liablity at all. Unless they can prove that you knew about the charges and didnt contact them, if you do discover something, contact your card companies promptly. This was mostly based on the poor folks who went through the early days , who were held liable and had thier poor credit wrecked becuase of it. Its still wise to protect your cards as much as possible, but frankly, alot of people are more worried about things that will never happen "IE thier cards stolen over the internet somehow" then things that may happen, like some gas station shlep who just took your card #s and is going to have a good time tonight. Silverkelt
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    Write to the corporation CEO and let them know. Also contact the local law enforcement and they usually will at least contact the station. Not happening here in ND yet, but would not be surprised if it did. It did happen to us in the San Fernando Valley (near Los Angeles) last time we got gas. DH handed him a small bill, he went over and put gas into the car and came back and told us thank you. Sure surprised us and made us feel good. But that is the exception. You are right, they are really strict in CA to that problem. But then many of the drivers are carrying guns too--sad to say!!! But IF it does happen while you are filling, and others are around you, just tell person No in a very loud voice--or say are you kidding--- anything to attract attention. Love my on star for that.
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    Nice logo! A building is a great way to further the marketing of a business, an opportunity you don't want to miss if you want the name of your business to pop into someones head when they pass by. In essence it's a huge billboard, and you're on track to take advantage of that by "branding" it to the colors you use on your business logo; but subtle rarely works so your instincts about creating more contrast with "medium grey body color, black band around the top, gold accent below the black" are right. Also get bold about how you use color, like painting the entire ceiling of the pump area in the gold tone and the area above black to outline it. Your logo is very tasteful, be generous about including on doors or windows and if you have a large open space. like the side of the building size it up to fill the space.
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  • 8 months ago

    . Please note that I would never voluntarily go to a Fox news site, the article just sort of popped up while I was doing a search for something else.

    The reason I posted was to get an idea of whether the picture was a real picture, because Fox's reputation precedes them. These days AI can make a picture of almost anything, just because something appears to be a photo does not make it so. So I wanted to get a reality check from the many KT members who actually live in California and see gas stations there.

  • 8 months ago

    I don't remember Nicholas Sandmann suing Fox, only CNN, the Washington Post and NBC. Don't forget Richard Jewell who sued CNN, Atlanta and Washington Post. I wonder what the official tally is of who was sued the most. But an formed opinion is still an opinion.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    It may be factual that there’s a gas station charging those prices, but that’s only a useful data point if you’re trying to convince your useful idiots that it’s somewhere near a norm in that area.

    Gas prices are indeed up in my area after having dipped to around the $3 mark a few months ago, but I figute it’d be more helpful to say that it’s averaging around $3.65 than to quote $4.24 that the area’s most expensive station is charging for regular, cash.

  • 8 months ago

    "Fox is ONLY ”legendary“ in radical liberal brainwashed minds who watch, for example, CNN amd/or MSNBC. The latter being the worst of them all!"

    I don't fit your propaganda-driven political description. I don't regularly watch TV news, not either of the two you mention. It's typically only occasionally when I'll look in on what I still think of as legacy broadcast network news for something major going on.

    It doesn't take much in the way of powers of perception or analysis to recognize that the national version of Fox News is as biased and unidimensional as could be possible. Maybe MSNBC is like that too. I can see an obvious slant in the tone of reporting when it's present.

    If you don't see the blatant bias of Fox then you're in its target audience. Too bad.

  • 8 months ago

    It's real...San Mateo County has the highest gas in the country. We pass this station in Sharon Heights all the time but there are other stations that are cheaper.

    Private owners of stations like this can charge whatever they want. But it's true that there is a LOT of money here (Silicon Valley). A LOT of money. The most expensive Zip Codes. $$$$$

  • 8 months ago

    FWIW, many, if not most, people do not read past headlines on news articles. I do it all the time. Some don't even read - or clearly comprehend - headlines.

    If I didn't know better than to take seemingly outrageous news items as fact without corroboration or proof, I might get the impression that the price of gas in CA is that high everywhere in the state.

    And it is telling that it's public entities with track records of proven false claims are the ones promoting the false claim that 'everyone else is doing it too'.

  • 8 months ago

    Contributing to those higher prices are the taxes states collect on petrol.

  • 8 months ago

    tracefloyd, I saw that elsewhere too. There used to be a 76 station at Coldwater Canyon and Ventura in the San Fernando Valley that for some reason was always $1+ more per gallon than anywhere else. This was when prices were in the $3-$4 range, it was sometimes in the mid-$5s. It's just downhill from some nice hillside neighborhoods but it made no sense.

  • 8 months ago

    I'm sorry Jsk but the gas station price did exist and therefore it's reality

    Of course it existed. I didn't say it didn't. In fact, I actually said it did. At one station. Somehow I doubt Fox News made that clear to their audience. I could be wrong, but given their history I doubt it.

    So if you desire to damn Fox you should also Damn the rest

    I'll damn any news service portraying a false reality. The discussion here was Fox, so I addressed Fox. It's not complicated.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Gas today is cheaper now than it was in 1972 using fuzzy math.

    The average price of gas in 1972 was 36 cents, today the average gas price is $3.69. the dollar's purchasing power of a dollar in 1972 is equal to $8.50 today. But the average Car MPG today is 26 mpg compared to 10 to 12 MPG in 1972. So doing the math a dollar today will get you further in your car than it did in 1972, and mile for mile gas is 30% cheaper now! I average 40 MPG so I'm happy happy happy! What a deal unless you live in California.

    Now who should I work for Fox or CNN?

    Edit: OH, I didn't account for tax as Minou pointed out so now I'll need to do a follow up....stay tuned. I'm sure some reporter will see my headline and do a story at some point. Guess who?

  • 8 months ago

    Costco is a bit cheaper but they've begun selling gas with ethanol, which I avoid using.

    That statement caught my attention. Is it easy to avoid ethanol by you? Here in NY you’re going out of your way to find ethanol free gas. It’s often higher octane and sold as race fuel and you pay for it. I buy it for stored gas and lesser used engines, but never for the cars.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    State averages:

    My area is among the lowest. The gas station nearest my house is at $3.26.

    The Fox vs CNN vs whatever team debates are tiresome. There are so many ways to get news — we have more information at our literal fingertips than any other time in history.

    There’s really no excuse to not find the truth. This thread is a good example: Lucille was curious about that photo and asked about it, rather than immediately taking it at face value. People from the state in question came on with relevant information and answers.

    The problem isn’t with news sites (who are in it to make a profit), it’s with people who have such strong biases they’re ready to trust anything that aligns with such … and pass it all along without question.

    Certain aspects of the internet and 24/7 news shows have brought back the type of Yellow Journalism last seen in the late 1800s-early 1900s, but unlike then we can find out ourselves if what’s being reported is true or not.

    I don’t read or listen to Fox, CNN, or MSNBC. There are so many other sources besides those.

    ETA: I’m not putting down anyone who reads or listens to the the news sources I listed. That’s your choice. I listed those because they’re always the ones being debated and put up against each other.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    I know, this is not as good as it could be, but just to show that anyone with AI help can produce a picture of a gas station. BTW AI refused to modify the original image but would tell me how to do it if I wanted to.

  • 8 months ago

    " Is it easy to avoid ethanol by you?

    I'm going to cautiously say Yes. As I understand it, the Calif gasoline rules allow the use of some ethanol but do not require it. My Yes answer is qualified because I've done no independent investigation and judge only by what's posted on pumps. What I see at most of the majors (large ones) is no indication on the pumps. At independents and non-brand affiliated smaller companies (including now Costco) and also one large brand here, Arco, that long has had prices 10% or more lower than normal market, the pumps contain wording that the fuel includes ethanol. I assume when ethanol is included, the pump needs to say so.

    We've encountered something similar recently with diesel fuel. My wife's car has a diesel engine. Her brand says not to use fuel with more than 10% "biodiesel" and to avoid it if possible. In addition to that type, there's "biomass" diesel, also often to a 10% amount That's okay. And the third traditional type, petroleum diesel, is still around. She's found that about half the brand names have 10% biodiesel (which she avoids), about 25% have 10% biomass diesel (okay in a pinch) and just a few still have pure petroleum diesel, the preferred purchase.

  • 8 months ago lists 25 stations in California with Non ethanol gas and none are in San Francisco. Minnesota has 721 and know where many are, I'm going to get some dirty gas tonight!

  • 8 months ago

    Yeah, seems like it’s a matter of states’ labeling requirements. I didn’t look hard enough to find anything official, but saw this list on Gas Buddy:

    The fifteen states that don’t require stations to tell you if the gasoline contains ethanol: (alphabetically) California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Ohio.

  • 8 months ago

    Oh my, how interesting that is. Thanks food. Looks like I need to do a bit more checking. I'll add that I noticed the verbiage on the pump after filling up so there was nothing left to do but use it. The car didn't seem to run up to par on that tankful and got noticeably poorer mileage. I wonder if that was real or imagined? In any even, neither my budget nor my preferences lead me to need buying gas at Costco and so I won't anymore. It can be very inconvenient. At any other times than just before closing or just at opening, the long lines can be awful. Not worth the wait or the effort.


    The fellow whose nonsense is best ignored, and I do 90+% of the time, can sometimes be laughable. He seems to have a hangup about San Francisco. Maybe he thinks everyone who lives in California lives in San Francisco. He should go there some time; he doesn't seem well travelled anyway. He'll have a really good time (a fun place to visit) and he'll find it's actually a pretty small city.

  • 8 months ago

    No doubt that gas price pic above is real in California, ave price here is about $3.45/gal right now. As for bias in the news media, yes fox, msnbc, cnn, etc show bias. I don't mind bias as long as it's truthful bias which bases it's bias on the facts. The night time line up on fox bases most of their bias on rumors, accusations, and innuendo more than the facts. One of these nights Laura Ingraham's necklace is going to burst into flames. The most straight news still comes on for 30 minutes in the evening on the 3 major networks, they're not perfect but they just report the news of the day as unbiased as they can.

  • 8 months ago

    This will get flagged/pulled. I was in San Mateo today; I have many friends there. I saw no gas stations with prices like those highlighted on fox. I asked my friends if they had? NO. Fox will go out of their way to badmouth CA. I'm tired of it; I really am. Pick another state.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Were you or your friends on the Alameda across from the Starbucks one mile from Sand Hill Road in San Mateo County? That's where the Chevron is. And yes, those are the station prices... owner is a greedy...

    And no, I'm not a Fox fan and did not see the segment.

  • 8 months ago

    I think it’s in Menlo Park—that price was on the news one evening

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    $4.89 at our favorite gas station other than Costco, we are in Orange County. I believe the we are moving into "summer blend" gas, always more expensive during the transition.

  • 8 months ago

    This station has bad reviews going back to 2017 on Gas Buddy due to their proces. One way or another I guess it’s their busness model.

  • 8 months ago

    I paid $3.23/gallon at Walmart yesterday .

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    In Colorado Springs TODAY...$2.87. (Since Texas & Florida chimed in)

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    I have a couple friends who own gas stations and one who is a small distributor so I will share a little light based on what they have shared with me.

    1. The distributors set the prices by zip code for the gas they sell to the gas stations. A tanker will deliver a load of gas to a station at a price. That same tanker that same day will deliver a load of gas to a gas station in another zip but only a half mile from the first station yet the price per gallon the distributor charges is 50 cents more per gallon. In both cases the gas station owner will set the consumer price based on a percentage markup per gallon. Although some higher volume stations have a set monetary amount markup per gallon.

    2. Gas stations get better prices from distributors based on the volume of gallons they sell. The lower the volume sold the higher the wholesale price per gallon.

    3. Some states, cities or towns prohibit self serve gas stations. Labor to pump gas adds to the station owner costs so the retail price is higher.

    4. Any time there is a switch over from winter to summer blend or vice versa, the oil refineries shut down or reduce production during the switch over. Less volume is produced hence there is less stock available for sale so the price goes up.

  • 8 months ago

    $3.79 at the station near me

  • 8 months ago

    Costco central NJ, $3.39, no self-serve here.

  • 8 months ago

    Just paid almost $5/gal at Costco today.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    I paid $4.06/gal at BJ’s today.

  • 8 months ago

    I got gas in Lebanon PA yesterday and was talking on the phone with a friend in Sacramento CA who happened to also out and about and needed gas. She went to Sams Club and paid $4.99 a gallon and I went to Sheetz and paid $3.49 a gallon.

    I used to work at an office building that only had one gas station that was easily accessible from the business district. They were always $.50- $1 more than if I drove 5 miles out, but they knew people would get gas before getting on the freeway.

    Here a gas station by the Mojave National Preserve. Not much competition . . .

  • 8 months ago

    My DH likes to look at gas buddy, but the best prices in our state are always nowhere near us, haha.

  • 8 months ago

    When can we stop using this pollutant?

    DS recently bought a small car, rather than keep fueling an SUV (AKA truck) for trips around town. Chicago gasoline taxes are stiff.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Kitschykitsch - if Gas Buddy isn’t limiting the search results to your local area, I'd check the settings. My spread for gas regular gas, cash, is currently 64¢. With a 36 gallon tank, it pays for me to check for the best local prices. My wife’s tank is a lot smaller, but her car takes premium which has a $1.40 local spread.

    Chisue - IMO we won’t make significant strides towards lowering fuel consumption as long as fuel is cheap. ”Cheap” is a subjective term of course, but as long as we’re seeing large vehicles dominate our highways, cars idling endlessly in parking lots, people running out for quick errands instead of planning and combinjng shopping trips, driving their kids to school instead of putting them on available school busses, driving instead of taking public transportation where available, demanding affordable transportation where it's not available, sharing commutes versus single occupancy vehicles, and the the list goes on, fuel is too cheap to hope for change. I’m not casting stones as I’m guilty of several of these. Hard to change habits when fuel is cheap. $10/gal might get my attention, it’d be a start anyway. But like most things environmental it’ll never happen, as we’re unwilling to put our money where our mouths are.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    food -- Yes, that's my position. Gasoline can't get expensive enough to suit me. That has worked to some extent in other nations. Another nudge is taxing commuting vehicles where there is viable public transportation. Now that more office workers are being required to be present in workplaces, I see more housing springing up closer to those offices. Perhaps the exodus to the suburbs enabled by work-from-home jobs will reverse.DGS's schools have sponsored students designing better cities; all feature more walkable communities and public amenities. Seems to me a key is public safety...or a reduced perception of danger everywhere.

  • 8 months ago

    Yes, centralizing all the population to maybe 11 cities with thousands of mile high apartment buildings with apartments averaging 600 square feet may be the answer. We can then protect everything outside the authorized central cites making them off limits to people and let nature take back earth.

    Don't thank me, it's not my idea and soled these great solutions from agenda 21.

  • 8 months ago

    $2.95 at the source 1.5 mi up the road. I haven't been through town to check the sources there. They're always +/- a few cents of each other, 10 cents at most.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    The spread between the lowest and the highest prices, in my metro area, is often $0.75-$1. Right now it is unusually small, only $0.42. ($3.35- $3.77) I've also noticed that the usual fluctuations in prices haven't been as much in the past 2-3 weeks. I believe that the situation in the middle east is keeping prices stuck at a bit higher level than they had seemed to be trending toward. It is the low end of the price range that has crept up and stayed there.

    Lowest prices are in the southeast quadrant of the metro area right now - that rotates regularly to another quadrant.

    Did you know that oil production by the USA is at an all time high right now?

  • 8 months ago

    Central iowa ... filled for 2.52 per gallon Sun ... not including the 2 cent per gallon discount ... Vehicle [buick] uses 85 percent [NOT E15]

  • 8 months ago

    Just happened to pass my local pure-gas station:

  • 8 months ago

    Dang - makes the OP look cheap!

  • 8 months ago

    It’s for special purpose, just making a point about or ethanol free.

  • 8 months ago

    I understand ethanol can damage certain engine components like gaskets in non-flexfuel vehicles...?

  • 8 months ago

    I believe here in our area gas prices are around $3.30 - $3.70 or thereabouts.

  • 8 months ago

    The gas prices in my area are a psycological operation. All of the stations are owned by one company, except Kroger, who follows the lead. So, we rock along for a couple of weeks vascilating 3-5 cents, then we shoot UP 60+ cents. Two days later, we come down 10 cents.

    This causes everyone who does not HAVE to drive to run out and fill up as soon as it drops, because it MIGHT go back up. The gas in the tanks is THE SAME gas it was at 50 cents less per gallon. Criminal, IMO. No, you cannot talk me down. I have watched it for 13 years.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    My cars don’t require premium and I planned to keep them long term so I use Ethanol free. It is much easier to fill up now that our Wawas usually have at least two banks of pumps with ethanol free. It is slightly higher priced than premium but it is also a slightly lower octane. I paid about $4.20 at Wawa last week. From memory the range is $3.90-4.30 lately.

    Carol, I was told by many people (mechanics and boaters) that the ethanol is degrading the life of some of the components. The boats (outboards mostly) and lawn care industry noticed it first and now there are many more options for fuel. It costs a lot more at the marinas, but that is location, location, location I think. There is also a big difference between high octane ethanol free race fuel and the stuff for the lawn mowers and cars that we get at Wawa.

    ETA: I forgot to mention the best part. DH’s last Telsa and current Tesla come with free super charging. We road trip in his car for free! Yay! Around here thery seem to be adding Super chargers to the Wawa gas stations where needed.

  • 8 months ago
    last modified: 8 months ago

    Yeah, race fuel is different, I just posted it because it’s the only ethanol free gas near me.

    98% of US gas has ethanol in it and has for nearly 20 yeara. Personally I think it’s a waste to spend more for ethanol free for a modern automotive engine that’s designed to run on today’s fuel. But like I said earlier, I use it in small engines, motorcycles etc. which are either carbeurated or sit around for longer periods of time. There it’s made a demonstrable difference.

  • 8 months ago

    Dang - makes the OP look cheap!

    I AM cheap, my two bicycles use zero gas :)