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What is Everyone Doing Today?

I got up early and went to Amber's and we ate breakfast. I came home and started baking. I baked a sweet potato casserole and two deep dish 10 inch pies. One is strawberry rhubarb and the other is black raspberry. That is all for the church dinner tomorrow after church service. I also baked a 9 inch peach pie and 4 little pot pie sized blueberry pies. I have a big crockpot full of chuck ribeye cooking. I took the chicken off the bones for future chicken enchiladas probably sometime this weekend. I made a great big batch of sandwich spread and had Amber come and get it for them to eat as the men have been working on their pond. I did save out enough for me a couple of sandwiches to have with my iced tea for lunch. I did one load of laundry. I have the dishwasher running and I washed up the stuff that wouldn't fit. Now i am ready to rest for a bit. Izzi has beat me to a nap, lucky girl. What is everyone else up to today? It sure is nice out, but now I a too tired at least for right now to go out and enjoy it.


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