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Hi, my name is Tiffani....

15 years ago

And I love green. No bones about it, I can't get away from it in my decorating. I am addicted to green and I don't want nor do I feel I need an intervention anymore.

The post about associating a room w/ you proved who I am. That green on green room that I posted makes me feel like I've come home and I don't feel that way in sort of new brown LR.

From this day forward I promise to only admire by far those beautiful rooms that don't shout me and I will promise to faithfully follow green wherever it may lead me. In style, out of style - I don't give a darn. I don't HAVE to change my whole room just because I saw something pretty that is the current trend.

Now if you'll excuse me there is a green throw and pair of curtains that I must bid on in Ebay!

Stand up and tell us your decorating addiction and don't feel ashamed about it anymore!!!!

To whomever started that thread where you were asked to post one of your rms. that you spend the most time in - a thousand thank yous!

Comments (59)

  • 15 years ago

    I LOVE the color "rust"! Ya know....rust and cream. I also like tan vines on a black background or black and white combo prints. Chocolate brown with watermelon or aqua are my new favs,with gold stonework or granite as a backdrop(fireplace or countertop). Tanish gray marble(crema marfil) or terrazo flooring!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, my name is Loretta
    I love drapes - not curtains, but drapes on a pull rod! I love the long scarf valance that has gone out of style. And of course they are green. I love green, light, dark medium, all of it. Every room in my house has green paint (the outside also). Can we say "tunnel vision"?

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    pitimpinai, while I'm here, I'll respond, too many irons in the fire right now. This was my first reaction when I looked at your house and that building the dish is on, not sure what is what there. Anyway, it looks English. But looking at the other houses, no, can't be, distinctively American. So I look at your zone and city, duh! tiffy, I'm confused about the seeds now. But it really doesn't make a much difference unless the plain ones don't turn out all blue like yours. The promo photos for Ultima Morpho are mostly distinctively blue and yellow (love them too!), very charming. But yours were all blue, your camera did a good capture of the color, and from previous discussion, gather that you believe yours to be Ultima Morpho where you got lucky and got all blue. Just like the photo I embedded from seedman.com marketed as Viola Blue Perfection or Perfection Blue. So I don't know if yours reverted, your Canadian vendor mislabelled the seeds or what. In any case they're both gorgeous. If I grow both (and the others I planted), they may cross into anything so if I want to keep the true blue, I'll have to hold back seeds. If I could only have one, I'd want the ones like yours and my best shot at getting those. Here's Ultima Morpho embedded from swallowtail. floodthelast, I'm enjoying what I started here, too. I've never paid much attention to honeysuckles, was going to save a volunteer across the alley but it didn't come back the following spring (nondescript). I think this may be the one in my last photo, Lonicera serotina Florida from Brushwood, was on a notification list on that for awhile. Now I'm not sure if I have to have any or just admire the others. The Japanese one I found, according to wiki, is a nuisance plant in IL and VA and banned in NH. It would be invasive where I am, too in E IA. But like others said B4, it can be kept under control. I'm posting a useful link, the red one is there, and I may be able to gather some seeds from the Japanese one in my photo in the fall to try. Love dabbling whether successful or not. I love the foliage and the way the leaves are paired. One thing I've resolved not to do is grow purple loosestrife which is invasive here and many states although I had some volunteers one year that were quite pretty, enjoyed them but didn't come back the following year. Here is a link that might be useful: Lonicera, Honeysuckle at Brushwood Nurseries
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    Hi, my name is and I have an addiction


    Comments (24)
    Will, some nice additions to your collection! Let me help you with some wrongly spelled names, before you'll start to make the name tags :0) Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Green Arrow' Must bin written as Cupressus nootkatensis 'Green Arrow'. Pinus leucodermis 'Schmidtii' Must bin written as Pinus heldreichii 'Smidtii' First info was that this one was found in 1964, then it must bin written as 'Smidt', but furthur investigation gave me the info that it was found in 1926 so it must bin written as 'Smidtii'. Tsuga canadensis 'Gentch White' Must bin written as 'Gentsch White'. Pinus parviflora 'Templehof' Must bin written as 'Tempelhof' Pinus koraiensis 'Jack Korbit' Is a bad renaming for what is Pinus koraiensis 'Dragon Eye' I hope I'll give you this info in time...
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  • 15 years ago

    Hi. My name is Dee and I love black and round things, and symmetry. I never actually recognized the round addiction until my DIL told me that if she buys a candle for me, she looks for a ball candle because everything I buy is round. Round mirrors, round coffee table, round dining tables. I'm currently in recovery for the symmetry thing. It's a lifelong two-step program. 1)Place candles at each end of fireplace. 2) Remove one.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi....my name is Barbara and I have many addictions.
    Let's start with crystal and silver accessories, mercury glass anything, pillows, chairs, books, fabrics, lamps, candlesticks, and then continue on with anything that sparkles or reflects light which brings me to my #1 addiction, and that is mirrors.
    I've thought about an intervention, but then, what fun would life be?????

  • 15 years ago

    Old Lamps, they can be ugly, they don't need to work.

    Keane prints, especially large format. About 2 dozen and counting--most of them have been framed. All of them are turned facing the wall and not hung. (And I don't have an MCM or kitsch house)

    Danish Modern Candlesticks 66 and counting (I think). It started when my mom gave away her pair right before I decided I might like them.

  • 15 years ago

    Hello Tiffani, my name is Heather and I'm a green addict also. Every room if not painted green, has a good amount of green in. Add in my love of vintage objects, my less than serious nature and at least a touch of red in every room .. well my decorating is not for everyone. *LOL*

    I try to be good, but stuff like this just keeps following me home. *shrug*

    Did I mention I like frogs and polka dots too .. yeah, I'm troubled.

  • 15 years ago

    My name is Deb and I don't like this thread. I work very hard to keep my addictions in check! Some days are better than others......

    Truthfully I no longer have an addiction for stuff of any kind - I have more than I need and am in a consant state of paring down.

    But I must have color and high contrast in my life. Much as I love and swoon for the all white or the soft monochromatic rooms in books and magazines, my life must have color. Everytime I try and neutralize something it doesn't work and I go back to color.

  • 15 years ago

    Good Tuesday Morning to All.

    Please let me introduce myself. My name is Red....er....Griselda. Yes. I am standing in for Red today. She logged on this morning, read Tiffani's message and keeled over onto the bedroom floor in a dead faint. It was so unexpected! No one could have predicted that Tiffani would ever come out. No one could have seen this coming. Just because someone paints pretty close to every single surface in their home a shade of green, or a green-based yellow, or a green-tinged white, does not mean that they are addicted to green. In fact, Red herself, from her prone, staring wildly, arms twitching, position on the floor, whispered to me, that SHE herself, is NOT addicted to green, even though her friends came in to visit last week, and vocally objected to her protestations that the new kitchen color, (BM River Gorge Gray) is just another shade of green.

    Anyway, as soon as I revive RED, I'm sure she will want to add her input to this conversation. She did want me to tell you that she is not stuck in a rut. She has erased all traces of red paint from her house, she actually only has 5 different rooms painted in a version of green, and she is lying down on her bed in her GOLD bedroom.
    So there!


  • 15 years ago

    What a fun thread! I do love magazines - decorating, cooking, history and gardening - I pare down the stacks frequently, but they seem to grow and grow...I have most of my Christmas magazines from the past 15 years.

    I love china - Crate & Barrel simplicity and antique - doesn't matter. My husband says I never met a dish I didn't like (not true).

    I adore old silver, beautiful antique linins, gree/blue glazed pottery, good cookbooks and vintage Christmas...love it all, have collected over many years and now, like Deb, I'm trying to pare down. Something has to be pretty wonderful for me to buy it.

  • 15 years ago

    I'll always see you as Griselda now, lol.....
    I love the first step introductions.

    here's a picture that proves my post above, as far as colors go.
    my glass table is usually almost bare.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, my name is Barb. I share the addiction to green, and why wouldn't I? It's the color of chlorophyll, the color of life. I like to pair it with the happy yellow of the sun, and the touches of rose of the peony.

    One of my other addictions is rugs. To me they are art. The colors, the wool, the patterns, and their history all speak to me. I have orientals, and a folk hand knotted rug from West Virginia. I would like to get some flat weaves, and some in more modern patterns. I thought I had run out of places to put the rugs, but now I see that I can layer them over the wall to wall in the bedrooms......

    And I love wood. Lovely wood furniture where you can see the lines and the curves of the growth rings, the flecks in quartersawn, the smoothness of mahogany, the beauty of the color in the cherry. As you can tell, I don't tend to paint wood. I even have knotty pine kitchen cabs....gasp!... and I love them.

    And my latest obsession is trim- crown moldings, picture framing, panel and frame. I think it adds a richness to a room that nothing else can. Look out living room- you are next on my trim list!!

  • 15 years ago

    p.s. that's 20th c. *studio* pottery, not mass produced.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi My name is Haley

    I have two addictions.

    I am addicted to painting - I love it and constantly have my next project on my brain sometimes doing the same room over and over.

    I am also addicted to rearranging furniture - my husband comes home and never knows what the house will look like!

    Both of these addictions stem from my need for change but also my strive for perfection (which I am no where near! lol).

    Change change change, fresh clean and new! Hooray! hahaha

    Thanks that felt good!


    PS - everyone here knows of my paint addiction - 99% of those annoying paint color questions are mine! lol. (thanks gang).

  • 15 years ago

    ROFLMFAO! I have tears in my eyes!

    I love it! Keep them coming!

    I guess I should add painting to my obsession list since I just got done w/ a first coat of Revere Pewter on my LR walls because - hey - it was handy and laying around the house. Besides - somebody had a question as to how it would look w/ dark trim so I figured "Why not help them out?!".

  • 15 years ago

    What a fun post!!!

    I'm addicted to many things LOL I have a love of old silver, old brass, plates (especially transferware), toile (although I don't have near enough of it!), vintage linens (especially pillowcases and tablecloths/napkins, etc.). I also have a thing for mirrors and pretty picture frames. Love the old gesso stuff! Another addiction is vintage christmas ornaments, I have been collecting the *tinsel and scrap* or dresden ornaments.


  • 15 years ago

    Love this. Hi, I am Patti and I am addicted to "roosters". I don't know where the obsession came from but obsessed I am. I broke out into a sweat when a recent response to my cry for help with my sun room was to add a rooster pillow to coordinate with my rooster lamp. I swore that my home would not become overrun with roosters and that ONE ROOSTER and one rooster only would roost in my sunroom. After reading Tiffani's admitance of powerlessness and proclaiming she will follow her addiction where ever it takes her I marched into the sunroom and

    Ahh, now I feel better!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi all! My name is Sue and I am addicted to Goodwill. Yes, sometimes I go to 3 or 4 in one day traveling about 70 miles, filling my car as I go. I find vintage items that would cost too much in an antique store. It is my happy place! I have milk crates to hold vintage stuff carefully wrapped in newspaper. I was sad when the Goodwill coupons went away and rejoiced when I was old enough for a senior citizen discount on Wednesdays.Verily, I have been known to take a vacation day on a Weds now and again.
    And I must admit my rear seat has been in the folded down position for years- just in case I find some furniture and yes I have! My DD says that if it isn't old, and someone else hasn't loved it first, then I don't want it. She is sooo right, I go into a mall and think, ewww why would someone want to spend so much for something new???( except mattresses I am not crazy)
    I have a collection of white ironstone pieces, tureens, plates, creamers( a lot of creamers) sugarbowls in my kitchen.my IRL friends say, oh that is a lot of white stuff, but heck they aren't addicts.
    My garage is full of furniture in waiting. And I am thinking I need to go goodwill hunting this weekend!
    And no please leave me in denial. I don't have a problem. really.

  • 15 years ago

    Pat tea, dont feel bad, I have 7 roosters, well 4 roosters and 3 hens in my kitchen alone!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, I'm Diane, and I struggle to break away from the blues. In this house, my kitchen was first painted a "blueberry" color, then the guestroom a silverblue, then the master a blue from BM, then even the newborn's room ended up pale blue (it was a girl!). Even the newly-painted hall bath is a very pale blue-green. I didn't realize how much I love blues until a carpenter once asked if I only picked that color.Reading everyone's posts at Home Dec, I have struggled to add golds (new kitchen), grey-taupes (fam room), but anytime I go looking at paint chips, blues have magnetic appeal for me. I guess I must find blues soothing and calming.

  • 15 years ago

    Can I see, can I see! I wonder if they have roosters at Goodwill.

  • 15 years ago

    Here you go pat tea, enjoy...






  • 15 years ago

    Hello. My name is Nora and I'm addicted to roosters, dishes and serveware, teapots...and ironstone and transferware and fabrics and lamps.

    I love to paint, admittedly trying to convince DH that it's a good thing because it's way cheaper than therapy. I've been known to paint a room 3-4-5 times to get it just right. North facing windows are a b!tch with regard to lighting (yeah, that's it, that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

    I have an obsession with my kitchen countertops and have re-laminated them two times in less than 10 years. They're currently "Basalt Slate" Formica in a honed finish. Thank goodness I can do this myself or my hubby would put me out on the curb. I'm afraid to commit to a "permanent" countertop, but think I may have found my countertop nirvana with the basalt slate because it mimics soapstone.

    I never realized how much I love navy and Federal slate blue and have recently begun decorating with it again. When I was younger cobalt blue was one of my all-time favorite colors and I've rediscovered my fondness for a good blue.

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, my name is Colleen and I'm addicted to old chairs. I would buy them in a box, I would buy them with a fox. I would buy them in the rain, I would buy them on a train. I would buy them here or there, I would buy them anywhere.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, my name is Trish, and i'm addicted to thrift/antique/consignment stores, flea markets, auctions, department store sales, garage sales, and bargain hunting in general. My 'overflow' goes into my space at a local antique mall, so my spending is 'always with purpose'~yeah right!

    My loves are creamware/whiteware, vintage lamps, vintage books, SS(plated or not), copper, vintage oils/prints, dishes, and vintage furniture I can 'paint to add personality'.

    Let's face it~i have an addiction to all things related to decorating! ;o)

  • 15 years ago

    Hi,my name is Meredith and I share with others an addiction to painting.... I painted my kitchen 3 shades of red before my daughter threatened to take away my paintbrushes! Gasp! I painted it blue about 1 month ago and have found myself taping up different, deeper/darker shades of blue, because it isnt quite the "right shade". My DH claims we have lost square footage from the layers of paint I keep adding. But, when I get a color juussst right, I love it!! I have repainted almost every room in our house in about 6 year's time (including kitchen cabinets). I am so paint-addicted, my friends call me to help them paint their rooms.
    As a sidebar, I am also in the "green addiction" club however, I am trying to experiment with other colors.
    How's that Revere Pewter coming along, TTodd??? I love that you are trying it out to help another poster, heeee heee. ps- I loved your green living room too; always admired how beautiful and cozy it looked.

  • 15 years ago

    Folkvictorian - you MUST come and shop my basement then! I have chairs up the wazoo that DH comes home from work w/ because a customer decided they didn't want it anymore or it was going to cost too much to fix. I have hand me downs, curb finds, dumpster finds, alley finds.

    DH and I were seriously just talking about how much stuff we have (almost all of it free) and that we should really contemplate a pre-moving sale walk through.

  • 15 years ago

    Ttodd, a basement FULL of old chairs? Ohhhh, I'm swooooning!

  • 15 years ago

    My name is Jaybird and I am addicted to dishes...no wait make that the color red....ummmmmmm how about both/either :^)

  • 15 years ago

    Hi! I am Sable and I am hopelessly addicted to wall art. If it's flat-ish and evocative, I will find a way to frame it. We have things on every wall in every room and I can explain the provenance of everything. Originals that cost serious money, lithos, prints, posters, photographs, calendar pictures, postcards and greeting cards. Oh, and a paint-by-numbers "landscape with elk" done by my favorite uncle in the late forties. There are stacks of pictures in every closet and in what used to be the garage, and now I am foisting things off on our children. If I really like something, I am lost.

    On the thread about what to hang over that gorgeous buffet, someone suggested a lovely and sophisticated still life by the French artist Jean-Baptiste Chardin, a great painter. Went googling just for a look-see and found the "perfect" print for the laundry room, despite the fact that *there is no more wall space in our laundry room*. Must-have-that-picture...

  • 15 years ago

    I am addicted to most all things blue. I also love green. I love black furniture & crisp white trim. I am a sucker for toile fabric, and, by the way, all shoes! (That's really OT,I know, just could not resist). Buy tons of candles, books, changing up accessories. I love all things decorating. Have recently rediscovered my love of fabric, trim.

  • 15 years ago

    Oh did I happen to mention my stash of fabrics? And I counted, is 6 cream colored creamers too many(not counting those that match my china)?? I only have one rooster. oh make that three.. I am not into paint so much except for painting furniture.
    Tiffani, I have revere pewter for some furniture I want to paint... and fabric for slipcovers I want to make, and, and, and. Ya'll obviously have a problem not me. Oh and there are 8 chairs in my garage and two desks and room for more. and.and... a side table that is painted blue and very chippy and I can put the leg back on I bet. I had to bring it home because, well it was painted blue and chippy and looked sad and lonely.
    no problems here. nope, just call me Cleopatra!

  • 15 years ago

    Whoops! Like COOPERBAILEY and HELLOKITTY, I have the same addiction to fabric, as well as trims. I guess that's why I have 5 huge tubs of it out in my garage. ;o)

  • 15 years ago

    Hi my name is Jane and I am addicted to dishes, especially old transferware, old paris, Old Ironstone and now Chelsea ware. However, I have ten maybe just nine sets of new dishes that I will never probably use but you never know, do ya? Also I love drinking glasses all sorts from water to wine and in between.

    I love white sofa's and black walls and the color Turquoise I know that is not for everyone, but you ask.

  • 15 years ago

    My name is Kelly and I am another one addicted to the magazines (decorating and gardening.) I hate to think about the money I have spent on them over the years. (I think I could have paid off my house by now with that money.)

    I am another lover of green (the paint colors and money (the money to buy more magazines.)) Why green? Because is it the best color in the whole wide world!

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, I'm Jen and.... and I'm addicted to Craigslist and Ebay and another local online sales site. I have to check 1000x a day *just in case* a fabulous treasure gets put up for sale for $1 and I miss it. :) I just recently got a laptop to assist me in this hobby, because sadly, I do have other things I need to do.
    I am another green lover. My particular weakness is for olive and khaki greens. I have green couches, a couple rooms with green walls, my china is cream with green accents, I have green sheets and quilts and towels, and I can't stop buying olive green sweaters. I even have a pair of olive green Frye boots.
    Another weakness is for wood furniture that really shows its age--I guess you could call it "distressed", but I love those signs of wear, wormholes, and the patina of well used furniture. Shiny perfect pieces just don't have the same attraction.
    Fun post!

  • 15 years ago

    I'm Jacy and I'm addicted to change. Can't leave well enough alone for any length of time. It's why I stick with an eclectic style, so I can move pieces in and out as I become tired of them.

    Tif, I just painted my kitchen Revere Pewter and I'm not lovin' it. For one thing, I just don't know what color it really is - it keeps changing on me! LOL.

    However, changing it out after a mere 3 weeks is too much, even for me. I've got white trim. Would love to see how how the color works in someone else's hands.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, my name is Kris, and I am addicted to maps! I have at least a dozen maps of all types hanging on the walls of my home. Everything from an antique map of the Hawaiian Islands I bought on my honeymoon to a tiny tourist map of the town of Center Sandwich, NH. (anybody out there from Sandwich?)

    Count me into the addicted to green camp, too. In this case, a sage/moss green. Several rooms, lots of linens, and most of my wardrobe...

  • 15 years ago

    Hi my name is Kim and I am addicted to this forum and decorating blogs. I need help. Maybe Tiffani you could be our leader at DD Decorator's Anynomous.

    A real 12 step progam.
    Ask yourself these questions:

    You may be addicted to decorating if you share these traits with me..

    1. You are obsessed about the color (fill in blank)So much your 12 year old and/or housekeeper says "Mom everything in this house is going to be the same color"
    2. You are constantly lurking on forums on the internet seeking chats and advice with other people like myself.
    3. You constantly move furniture around to the point of personal injury (back) and hurting small animals in the process (dog runs and hides)
    4. You are constantly dreaming and thinking of when your next decorating project will start.
    5. You have said repeatedly "this will be the last thing I do in this house..." But that only lasted a few days/hours.
    6. You have missed hours or days of work decorating.
    7. You go shopping for non house related items and end up buying things that are.
    8. You have in your possession over 10 paint samples from BM, F&B, or SW and can justify the expense by telling your family you are using them on furniture projects and not just marking up every wall in the house.
    9. You have quit other hobbies such as tennis so you can spend more time decorating or researching decorating.

    1. You know every source for any type of product for remodeling kitchens and your close friends wonder how you have time to do all this.

    Did i cover them all?

    Love this thread. Thanks for starting it.

  • 15 years ago

    Should I mention that I have a coupon for two free samples of BM paint that I found in a recent magazine, but I can't remember which one?...I'm like a kid with two dollar bills to go into a candy shop...I am looking at the blues that were recommended on the icy blue thread I started, trying to narrow down the possibilities...

  • 15 years ago

    kimmieb: LOL :-D

  • 15 years ago

    Hello my name is Lori...
    And I have a split personality! My home tends to be rich in color, dining room in dark red, kitchen in chocolate brown (like a Hershey's bar) living room about to be painted olive branch, one bedroom in cracked pepper (charcoal gray) and one in grape and apple green (that's my daughters). Its filled with books and nik nacs and all the things I love. Now we have a beach cabin that's all cool colors, light and airy and minimal. I love it just as much. When I go to my sisters home which is all muted gold or tans I Love it but it's not me. Friends homes I may think are beautiful but then may be totally something I would never do. It's what makes viewing others homes that I find so interesting, that you can appreciate what they have done even if you can't picture yourself in it.

  • 15 years ago

    "5. You have said repeatedly "this will be the last thing I do in this house..." But that only lasted a few days/hours. "

    Or as I like to say after I finish something:
    "That ought to keep me happy for about five minutes..."
    I like things busy, informal, and with plenty of color. My interior decorating is like my garden; think of a big box Crayola Crayons dumped out in a pile because you're too busy having fun to be fussy about putting them back.

    I also collect chickens:

  • 15 years ago

    My name is Dawn, and I'm addicted to green as well (though I recently branched out into turquoise and teal--both of which have green in them). I'm have a major thing for antique chairs, which I seem to be collecting from CL in alarming numbers. If you come to my house, you'll never not have a place to sit. I'm also in love with velvet. All of my curtains have to be velvet, because as far as I'm concerned, there is no other fabric for one's windows. I love sumptuous fabrics (velvet) and use them for pillows and throws too. I also like mixing somewhat masculine furniture (nailhead trim leather couch and chair) with more delicate, feminine furniture (French Provencial table and skirted roll-back parsons chairs) to get an eclectic look. I should post some pictures, but you know those rooms aren't "done" yet. One more thing--I collect Waterhouse art. I aim to have every piece of his work in my house and I don't have that much open wall space.

    Now I'm working on my daughter's room, which she wants to be...*gasp* blue AND modern. It will be hard, but I will get through it.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi, I'm Christy and I'm addicted to color and crafts. My BR is a deep aqua, and I love it. We tend to seek out craft stores when we travel and have brought some unique things. Will not buy something unless it can go on the wall, as we have very few flat surfaces in our small house. I love the punch of a deep color with white trim. My rooms are a mix of family antiques, lucky flea market purchases, and furniture that was painted black.

    Have six chairs waiting to be painted. Four will be painted black and will be our new DR chairs. The other two are spool chairs and I will have fun painting each part a different color.

    My list of crafting/hobbies is huge, but I don't do them every month. Still working full time, alas!

  • 15 years ago

    I am in LOVE with GREEN as well. All shades of it. The tension between yellow green (moss) and turquoise (or aqua) is interesting to me and I plan on living with it more in the future. I still love black, brown, white, or cream together, creating drama with dark wood or deep chocolate browns.

    Here is a link that might be useful: My home Blog

  • 15 years ago

    Heres another one. You know you are an addict when your husband just sighs and buys a boat cover for the winter, since the garage is too full of furniture in waiting. i.e. needs painting, fixing, and finding a home.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi my name is Linda and I'm addicted to purple, in any grayed down shade. I have purple in every room except for ds's room oh and even decorate with it for Christmas. I tried to break that addiction and painted the main floor for a brief time in a shade of green but that didn't work. I think I am alergic to red, it makes me twitch if it is too bright. I'm also addicted to wood and dream of living in log home but for now I have wooden blinds, pine baseboards and trim and pine cupboards and oak furniture. I am also addicted to black if it is shiny and I dream of absolute black granite counters someday.

  • 15 years ago

    Hi everyone! My name is dana and i'm addicted to painting. No seriously I am so indecisive that I seem to keep painting with all colors until I finally go back to the perfect shade of some color of green. I LOVE GREEN! So much that my LR, DR, Kitchen, and upstairs hall are all different shades of green. It has been an obsession since I designed my own bedroom at 13 and painted it bright electric green. I've toned down my greens on the wall but i wear alot of green in my clothing (esp kelly , bright green)Did I mention that my soon to be husband (when we FINALLY finish our house) last name is also...GREEN! I look forward to the day were we have the cute sign that says...welcome to the Green's..and then they step in my house and all the walls are green!

    I love texture..and vases and mirrors. I have too many vases and absolutely no where to put them! I also am addicted to craigslist and think if I miss checking every few hours something really great will be posted and i'll miss out! I've even driven as far as 4 hours to buy a dining room set. I used to compulsively shop for clothing. I had taken over 4 closets. Now since we're redoing our entire house...it has turned to houseware. At least now I don't feel like Carrie from Sex and City, where all my assets are wrapped up in clothing and shoes. I also have over $300 in paint on my shutters...

    I bought 4 different colors of grey/black for my shutters. That's 2 gallons per color because each time I just *knew* it was the color.

    Least to say I think I have about 4,000 cans of paint in my garage now. In 2 years I have painted my kitchen twice, my living room 3 times, my dining room 3 times, my hallway twice, master bath and bedroom just once but I do not like the color..perhaps because it is a creamy grey..and not green!

  • 15 years ago

    Dana I can feel your pain. I too knew it was the perfect colour every time I painted. I ended up on the last painting expedition mixing some of the previously bought paint together and came up with the perfect colour, finally! No more buying paint from chips for me without adding another colour. Just make sure you mix enough or at least find a place that can do a computer match. Frustating though when someone asks "What is the name of your colour?". lol Linda

  • 15 years ago

    Hi my name is Sue and I am powerless over this thread.