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Estate Planning for Sr's w adult children

15 years ago

Please forgive me if I ask a question previously answered, but the 150 post thread on estate planning would't open for me. I wondered if it in any way addressed adult children? My husband and I agree we divide whatever we have between our kids. The topic of much conversation lately is My Husbands Dad. My MIL passed 2 years ago. About 6 months ago my FIL met a lady friend and they have been inseperable since. He actually moved in with her this month, and I hear they are planning to buy an RV and travel. I couldn't be happier for him, but my husband is disturbed. He's worried they'll willy nilly combine their assets and She'll take off with his money or that her children he's never even met could potentially claim what in his mind is rightfully his.

We've only met his friend once(at a family wedding), and while she seemed nice enough, I find it a bit odd they never extend an invtation to get to know her better, never a dinner invite, lets met for lunch....Even more odd, my FIL sent an email to break the news he was moving in with her, just a simple here's my new mailing address notice like you'd send to a creditor.

Anyone out there have any experience similar? Tips to ease my husbby's worried soul? A dialogue to open the conversation w/FIL about protecting himself long term?

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