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Right along the lines of child support & kids from 1st marriages

16 years ago

This is so sad.

Bear with me--it might be confusing.

OK--my DH's ex--BM--is now married (she got married completely out of the blue at the courthouse TEN DAYS before our wedding???) to a man with an 11 year old DD. Then BM obviously has my SS, who is 6, and then they had a baby together 10 months ago.

BM's husband--I will call him R--was married for 5 years to his DD's mother. They divorced when she was 3.

He is on her birth certificate and everything...BUT here's the kicker...apparently, his ex-wife cheated on him and they were actually separated when their DD was conceived. This girl truly looks NOTHING like her dad--my guess is she isn't his bio-child. He is half-Hispanic and has VERY dark hair, eyes, dark skin tone, etc. His baby with BM now looks just like him.

This other DD has red hair, blue eyes...fair skin....

I just don't see it.

Obviously, I only know what I've been told, which is usually from BM, but appparently, he was CERTAIN at the time of her conception that she wasn't his--he and his wife had been living apart, hadn't "been" together, etc. BUT he wanted to make their marriage work and I guess the other guy was a real piece of work--so he took his wife back, knowing she was pregnant with a baby that wasn't his child...signed the birth certificate, anyway, and they remained married for 3 more years.

Divorced and child support was set at $300/month and that's all fine and good.

BM (as in my stepson's mother) has thrown it in his face periodically--they have been together for 2 years now--and she gets really irritated that he pays child support and they put up with drama from the ex, all for a child that isn't his--so she says. :(

I know they have had some knock-down fights about it and BM gets mad and then apparently last year, her hubby told her to never mention that again, that this IS his daughter, bio or not, and he doesn't want to hear it.

BM has a horrible temper and is awful when she's in a rage, but even her hubby must have gotten through to her.

Until now.

Yesterday, my DH and BM met at a neutral location for my DH to pick up SS for our 5 day stretch. BM was chattering away to my DH about how she is so stressed, they're going to court and R is getting a paternity test on his daughter---and according to my DH, she was griping about how now that WE have been to court and she has to pay half of everything for SS, and--she actually said she had been COUNTING on more c/s than $234/month--and then with the baby and everything--they just "can't afford the $300/month in child support.

I am so heartbroken for this little girl. :( Is it just me or is this going to DEVASTATE her? Any ideas what the court would legally do?

She doesn't KNOW that R is most likely not her bio-dad. :(

I just think it's so sad. R and his ex-wife do a 60-40 split--he has his daughter EOW and 1 night a week. Her dad is a huge part of her life and I just can't believe he would rock her world like this....

I mean, if the test comes back that he's not bio---will he lose all rights to even SEE her?

UGH. So sad. :(

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