sovra's photo
GardenWeb Member: 2004-08-30
Commented: I really don't understand...... I wouldn't go out of my way to bash it, but I agrees with the others-- I find their style to be visually depressing, oversized, and just not worth the prices. If I still received the catalogue, I wou...
in Home Decorating  
Commented: Downsizing Just to put another angle of thought on what you're doing: I work from home. I think there are a few more things to consider. If her house is dark and cluttered, it may be difficult for you to have s...
in Home Decorating  
Commented: If you discovered your spouse was unfaithful... I think that you need to find an individual counselor before you do anything else. A counselor can ask questions about what you want and help you to take the best emotional care of yourself now and as...
in Home Decorating