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Should I leave my boyfriend?

17 years ago

I'm 26, boyfriend 37. We've been together about eight months. My boyfriend has sole custody of his 11-year-old son.The mother has completely disappeared off the face of the planet for the past 3 years. At the beginning, I found the child a bit anti-social and spoiled, but didn't say anything. I cherished the moments when he'd speak to me and tried to befriend him in a very slow, non-confrontational way (BF is acting the whole time like we're just friends... which was quite possible the child would believe that at first, since BF has many female friends.) My BF complained a lot about the child that he felt he wasn't "maturing" enough, etc and was thinking of sending him to boarding school. At the time I just said "Hey I think you're being too hard on him, he's just a kid."

Now, many months later, the situation has gotten much worse. I hvae come to see that all the problems that the boy makes are not at all his fault or the result of immaturity, or willfulness. I think they're just the direct result of bad parenting. My BF literally sets no limits or boundaries for him- - the only punihsment for disobedience is nagging or talking rudely to the child instead of something concrete like losing TV time or allowance. He talks in a nagging voice to the kid a lot. I found out he has NEVER initiated a conversation with teh child about how it really FEELS to grow up without a mother. In fact, he doesn't talk to the boy about feelings at all, his own feelings (e.g. "I'm really getting angry now because I see you haven't done what I asked you to.") or the boy's. About anything. He also spoils the child rotten, and has created a dynamic where the boy is always nagging BF to buy him stuff. Of course there are no clear limits what BF will and won't buy, so of course the kid is gonna beg all the time, so I feel like he's just turning his child into a brat and then pitying himself for having a bratty child!

He lets him spend massive amounts of time with teh neighborhood "little boy bicycle gang" which I partially think is cute (wish I'd had so many neighborhood friends growing up). But it's also problematic- - he won't ever force the boy to go anywhere with us, we love to go on daytrips into nature, hiking, or exploring around the area. I think this is perfect time to spend with your kid. Instead kid stays unsupervised in the neighborhood, and the whole time I'm worried, and we can't stay away TOO long because we need to get back for the kid, etc... WHen I would just actually love to have the little boy come with us more.

BF is relatively isolated because of his culture adn the culture where we live, it's like parents don't trade parenting tips, or he doens't feel comfortable getting his child's friend's parents to also help back him up on discipline issues. Or sometimes, all these ideas seem completely novel to him (e.g. if you groudn the boy and are worried he won't come straight home from school, call all his friends' parents and inform them he's grounded and ask them to call you if he shows up at their house. Seems simple no?)

OK to get to the point: it's really come to a head lately. First a mutual friend suggested i become like a helper/ coach to my BF because she sees what a bad parent he is. Also because his bad parenting was driving me crazy and I was threatening to leave the relationship unless he improved his OWN relationship with his son. My BF says he knows he's doing a lot wrong so he agreed to this idea. But this got nasty of course, as I should have known... Boundaries got blurred. A lot of drama happened. Really horrible #$#. Additionally, the child's behavior has been getting progressively worse (this is not related to my presence I know, as it just steadily worsened for two months while I was away and no involvement there. he simply keeps pushing the limits to the point now where he is stealing from his dad and disappearing for 12 hours at a time.)

We are taking some space now. I've told him I don't understand how with all the resources he has (time, money, etc.) he doesn't invest everything in learning how to be a good parent, and I'm only gonna come back if things really change. Meanwhile I went back on that a couple times and went out with him a couple times, but not in the past couple weeks and want to keep it like that... Problem is he keeps saying he knows he's doing something wrong, he's just not sure what. And that he always likes my parenting advice/ ideas. But then confusingly he says that he needs to keep trying "his own way" for a while longer (which means refusing to see a family therapist, read parenting books, get more advice from other parents).

Can anyone offer advice on girlfriends walking into tricky situations like this? I'm surprised myself, that seeing his terrible almost neglectful parenting hasn't sent me running for the hills. But this is the only issue in our relaitonship, and actually I love him a lot. But it seems like a big one... SHould I be running?

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