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Protocol or Proper Etiquette

10 years ago

Hello everyone and thanks for the replies ahead of time. Quick back ground my SO has two daughters a 16 & 11 yrs old. The oldest lives with us for a few months but then moved back with bio mom.
Recently the oldest daughter was taken to the ER, it ended up not being anything major. My question is what's the proper protocol for this type of situation, especially when bio mom doesn't like you? Do you go to emotionally support you SO or stay away so as to not cause problem? In my case I stayed away to avoid any conflict. Just thought I'd get some input incase this situation where to arise again?
Another question I had was is it wrong for me to ask my SO to ask his ex to stop showing up to yungest SD's soccer practice? On the days my SO has custody she still shows up to her practices because she says that she needs to practice with her daughter??? I can understand going to games but does she really need to be at practice when dad is already there? I don't go to SD's practice but I don't like the idea of her mom being there because I feel it's an invasion of his time, I mean my SO doesn't go to her practices when SD is with mom? SO has complained about this to me before but hasn't mentioned it to ex. I get that she's mom and can go where ever she wants but just thought I would ask.


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