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difficult stepdaughter

18 years ago

I have been married to my husband for 14 months. We dated in high school and college and broke up in 1996. After our breakup, I married and had two children and divorced. He dated a girl and had a daughter. Long story short, we rekindled our relationship and married. I absolutely adore this man. My two children, ages 6 & 5 love him as well. My children are easy going, well-adjusted, independent and happy, though they are from a "broken home". His daughter...that's a different story and one that I need help with.

We have total custody of her, mom has nothing to do with her and hasn't for nearly 4 years. Mom has lost custody of all three of her children, with three different dads. Mom has a drug addiction, drank and did drugs during pregnancy, justified her marijuana usage with, "it helps me with nausea", has diagnosed mental problems, etc. The list goes on and on. Before DH and I married, SD would go to Grandma's house while DH worked, spending three to four nights a week there. Grandma acted like a Grandma even though she was more of a parent. As a result, SD was spoiled rotten beyond belief. I don't think I have ever heard a child speak more disrespectfully to people. Her table manners were non-existent, she honestly ate like a monkey. When I came into the picture, I would give her really neat birthday/Christmas/Easter gifts and would get no acknowledgement much less a "thank you". I really did my best to bite my tongue, but would sometimes lovingly correct her. When we married, my husband and I decided that all the children needed to be treated equally in love and discipline. Since SD lives with us on a full-time basis, this was easy. I am with the children 90% of the time due to DH's work schedule. SD is nearly 8 and is just so problematic. She is so manipulative, she plays this sweet, demure, and quiet role, but it's all manipulation. She lies regularly, doesn't do well in school, "forgets" everything...She has recently been diagnosed A.D.D. and is on medication that's not helping. She will play DH and I against each other by acting one way with him and another with me. Her teacher has said she tries the same things with her but she's onto her. She has no friends. She can hardly talk, it's like the thoughts are there but she can't articulate them. She's being tested for learning disabilities, but we don't think she has them. We think she is just very behind developmentally, she's 8 and hasn't lost any teeth, either. It's like everything with her is behind. She walks and talks like a baby, but only around certain people. I have to tell her on a daily basis to get dressed and brush her teeth. She masturbates in public, has an eye problem, so many problems with this child. DH and I had a new baby recently and I am afraid to leave her in the room with her, I am afraid she will do something to her since she's so jealous of her. I am resentful of the time that's taken away from the other children. It seems every week there's a new issue that has to be addressed with this child. We have spent so much money on her problems. DH asked, "Why can't she be a normal kid?" and I feel resentful towards him for his bad decision making in having her. The way she acts around Grandma is hideous, we've tried talking to her about the do's and don'ts with Grandma to no avail. We've tried to help her make friends, but eventually they all end up not wanting to play with her. I really dislike this kid and I know that's not fair. She can't help what has happened to her, but I am tired of feeling like the three other children get pushed to the side because she has problems. I can also see that the future is going to be even harder. We are in counselling, but SD sees this as playtime with a woman, to replace mom or something. I feel so unequipped to handle this. I even wonder if I should have married him even though I adore him and I feel pain when I imagine being without him. Any advice?

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