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9 year olds and bathroom sanity habits

16 years ago

Notice: This post is about A__ and bum wiping. If you're not willing to be frank about kids and poop, read no further.

So, A__ isn't wiping him bum very well (or possibly at all?) when he goes to the bathroom. I don't mean a few little speckles, or some so-called 'skid-marks', I mean great big gobs of poop all over his underwear. The underwear he wore on Sunday had about a 5" long by 4" wide, thick and crusty patch. He didn't have diarrhea, so this wasn't an 'accident', it was definitely poor wiping technique that got all that poop there. I knew his technique wasn't great, but until BF moved here (I do the laundry) I didn't realize how bad it was.

He was in the tub and I scooped up his clothes to toss them in the hamper, discovering this problem. On my next trip past the bathroom, I casually said, in a positive tone, "Bud, you've got to wipe your bum better when you poop, your undies were pretty yucky." His reply was "I try my very best", which sort of surprised me, so I said "OK, well, maybe try some new ways" and left it at that.

Talking to BF later, I said "Hun, you've got to have a bum wiping technique chat with A__" and he responded with "What? You don't think his mom b!tches at him about his dirty bum all the time?" I asked "Does she just b!tch at him, or does she go in the bathroom with him and frankly talk him through it to teach him a good technique. It's really unsanitary and he sometimes smells like poop, someone has to work with him on this. He'd probably be more comfortable with it from you than anybody else." He said "maybe" and changed the subject.

(In case you're wondering why I care: I think it's very unsanitary and am concerned that he'll get sick somehow from it; I do the laundry and am not keen on that in the hamper; my own nose is not keen on when A__ smells like poop; I don't want him to get teased at school about smelling like poop; etc)

My theory is that BF either

1) doesn't like to be 'the bad guy' and so is often unhappy about having to do that sort of thing with A__, because the poor kid gets a lot of b!tching from his mom and grandma.

2) is less frank about bodies than I am and is probably very uncomfortable really explaining precisely how to wipe.

and 3) isn't sure if A__ doesn't know how to do it properly, or is just being lazy.

What I need help from you guys about...

1) Can your nine year olds effectively wipe their own bums most of the time? I know a few little spot misses are normal, but this amount of unwiped seems extreme.

2) How can I encourage BF to be frank with A__ about bum wiping without nagging BF about doing it? (I was thinking of waiting until there was another nasty undies and mentioning it again then...)

3) If BF can't (or won't) be comfortable with this teaching this tutorial, what should I do?

- Should I tell BF that I will not have those underwear in the hamper and that if he won't talk to A__, he can wash them himself in the sink before they hit the hamper and then clean the sink afterwards? (Basically force him to deal with it)

- I doubt he would, but should I ask him to talk to BM to come up with a coordinated technique?

- Should I buy some of those "Kandoo" type things for toddlers and tell A__ that "if there's still poop on the toilet paper after a few swipes, use one of these and flush it"?

- I recall once at about age 6 or 7, when I somehow missed the toilet and peed on the floor, my mom told me that I had to help her clean it up (I had no idea how I missed at the time, and still have no idea, but I never missed again) This is a harsh option, but I'll throw it out there anyhow, should I go on poopy underwear strike and tell A__ that if he's got poop on his underwear, he can wash it himself in the sink before it hits the hamper, and he can clean the sink afterwards?

Any other ideas or suggestions? I'm sort of at a loss here...

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