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Would this annoy you? My feelings are kind of hurt

14 years ago

Ok, so tomorrow is DH's birthday. ( We don't have SS this weekend but per the plan, DH will get him at 9 AM tomorrow and he will be with us until school Monday morning.) We are going to my grandparent's house for a bday celebration. My grandma told DH to pick any favorite meal and let her know. She asked me (a week ago) to make/bring the cake. So DH told me he wanted a coconut cake, I got all the ingredients yesterday, etc.

Every year on DH's birthday, BM and her mom would bake this bread pudding/cake. (It's somewhere in between the two!) Have to admit--it's yummy! BUT---it always kind of annoyed me to have his ex and her mother drop off a bday cake for him. Anyway, they would usually just do it before/after his bday, so it never interfered w/me baking something on the actual day.

Well, today, DH informs me that SS made the cake with his mom and grandma today and wants to bring it to my grandma's tomorrow. DH said he is very excited that the three of them made it for DH.

UGHHHH. Am I totally wrong for being irritated? I told DH that I feel kind of side-stepped here, and much like a BM would feel when a SM goes out of her way to do something mom-like. IE--I make it a point to NOT sign up to be room mom for SS or be team mom for soccer, or bring treats for birthdays at school etc, just b/c I feel like those things are kind of a mommy's perogative. I kind of feel like this is the same thing!

And the fact that we are celebrating with my family, I just feel kind of weird having SS announce that he and his mom and grandma made DH's bday cake! :(

I know it's probably a petty thing to be bothered by, but it just annoys me. I WANT TO MAKE MY HUBBY'S BIRTHDAY CAKE. Or rather---I wouldn't care if the kids helped me make it--I guess I should rephrase: I DON'T WANT BM INVOLVED IN THE BAKING OF MY HUBBY'S BDAY CAKE!

I don't want to hurt SS's feelings, either. I kinda mentioned to DH that it was "weird" that BM was making his cake and he said he was going to suggest to SS that we leave that cake at home and he and DD can help make one at our house tomorrow to take to my grandma's.

UGH. I just wish BM would have ASKED DH (haha, yeah right) before getting SS all hyped.


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