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17 years ago

We are in the middle of a kitchen bathroom remodel. I have been posting on those forums, but I just needed to say:

They're GONE for the day. SILENCE! SILENCE! SILENCE!

I am having a hard time dealing with no kitchen and now down to one bathroom for 6 people. Today they removed a window and put the new one in too high. Frantic phonecalls to DH to come handle it. He couldn't. I took a deep breath and in as sweet a voice as I could muster I made them redo it. They argued, "No, you don't want it that low." Yes, I do. I want to see out of it and not reach way up to open it. So, bang, bang, bang some more. Drills unscrewing screws, saws recutting the framing. The painter came and primed everything, Whhiirrrrrrrrr went the paint sprayer. The other framer went bang, bang, bang and removed and replaced a window edging in the kitchen.

The guys all stood around the bathroom drain muttering to themselves. It didn't look good. They were supposed to frame the bathroom tub today, but now the plumber has to cut the concrete, move the drain and pour more cement. Oh, I'm REEEAllly looking forward to that. He can't come until Friday. Jackhammers! Whoo Hoo!

The job manager came by and said the kitchen cabinets will go in Monday and Tuesday next week. He said 2 weeks until the kitchen will be done.

Will I last that long?

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