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How is Your Day and What's For Supper?

I got my zucchini plants in the ground. I will probably have enough to keep a small village supplied if nothing goes wrong! I pulled some radishes and got those cleaned, washed a load of rugs, went into town with Amber so she could fill her truck with gas. Did you know gas is going up? It was $2.31 nine and had already gone up more than ten cents the next town over. My husband was there getting his car filled up too as Amber let him know that gas prices were rising.

Now for supper, I have been working on it. Amber and Mike are eating with us. I am fixing beef Manhattans. I have the potatoes peeled and cut up ready to cook and mash, of course I have the beef cooked. We will have some of the radishes I pulled, corn on the cob and I just finished making a banana coconut cream pie. I want to go throw some more laundry in to wash and get them dry. How is your day going and what are you fixing for supper?


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