I posted a couple weeks ago about buying this sofa on impulse at "The Dump," a local closeout furniture store. I love the sofa, but now I can't stand the rest of the furniture in the room. The problem is that the room is so goofy that I haven't been able to figure out a good layout in the 9 years we've lived here (thus, we've been living with the "big-blue-bomber" sofas from our previous house while I made up my mind. But I'm ready to bite the bullet and get new stuff.
So I'm attaching some pics. The whole family room is maybe 13 feet wide by maybe 10 feet deep (not counting the stone hearth in front of the fireplace, which isn't usable for furniture. Our new sofa went where the old one was and it gets most of the use -- hubby and I lay longways on it and watch TV. We currently have a chair and a half on the other side of the room, an end table and random guitars (don't ask) in the corner, and the ottoman that belongs with the chair and a half on the long wall opposite the sofa. No one ever sits on the ottoman because you can't see the TV from there -- it's mainly used to hold the exercise equipment. The best spot to see the TV is the left side of the chair and a half -- once you get to the right side, part of the screen is cut off by the fireplace mantle.
So the way I see it, we could:
a) get a second sofa (which would have to be non-matching, as the one I just bought has been discontinued and it was the last one) and place it parallel to the current one, giving us the 2 sofas across from each other arrangement. But the space might be a little wide for that (and look empty in the middle), and it eliminates the better TV-watching spot where the chair and a half is.
b) Keep a smaller sofa/loveseat where the chair and a half is. I could then place a chair on the far end of where the ottoman is, near the door to the outside. This gives us 3 seating areas and preserves the second TV watching space, but I'm not sure if it will look ok (and finding a sofa small enough to fit where the chair and a half is may be tough, especially if I want to keep the end table in the corner -- that ledge wall is only 73" long).
c) get a big sectional that goes up the long wall and across where the chair and a half is. That gives us lots of seating and keeps the good tv spot, but is it too much seating in such a small room? I'm thinking it might look overwhelming. Plus we lose the end table in the corner -- I'd have to put a lamp up on the ledge where it's liable to get knocked down by kids/dogs.
d) Get two (or 3?) occasional chairs and place them where the chair and a half and/or ottoman are. I could do two along the wall where the ottoman is with an end table between them (though I'll lose the better TV spot) or do one where the chair and a half is, a table in the corner, and the other where the ottoman is. If we went with this options, I'd lose the ability to sprawl (I do like to sprawl on the chair and a half and read) so maybe a recliner (that doesn't look like a recliner) would be a good idea -- that way I could still stretch out.
e) some other option I haven't thought of????
No matter what I pick, I'd like to leave the center open (or at least get an easily-moved-out-of-the-way coffee table) because this is where I do my workout videos. (Actually, I'd love a big trunk where I could stash the exercise stuff, too, but I digress, LOL!)
It would also be nice to get something easily moved away from the chair-and-a-half spot, as the new sofa is a sofa bed and we do fold it out for guests. Right now, that involes a lot of complex rearranging because the chair and a half is in the way, and with the sectional option above, pulling out the sofa bed might not even be possible. So maybe that's a good reason to go with the occasional chairs/recliners option?
I'm also not sure whether to go wtih leather or fabric. I'mnot normally a big fan of leather, but I got so sick of vacuuming white pet hair out of the blue sofa, so I wanted to try leather for our most-used spot. But a whole room full of leather --I'm not so sure!
Also not sure about the style -- I love the new sofa's tiny clean-lined arms (and the proportion is so much better in the small room) but does that mean the other furniture also needs to be clean lined? Or can I go with arms that are rolled. I'm so bad with this stuff!
I am terrible about picturing things in my head without seeing them in person, and afraid of making a mistake and buying furniture I won't like. So any suggestions are very very welcome (and any photoshop previews would be beyond awesome!). Thanks so much for any help/advice/guidance you can offer!
and just for reference so you can see how the room fits with the rest of the house, this is taken from my kitchen (excuse my daughter's homework mess!)
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