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We've been hit by the appraisal mess - VENT

14 years ago

So we are looking to refinance our 2 1/2 year old custom home (this is important later) and we live somewhat rural approx 80-90 miles from two large cities in TX.

The new appraisal house rules sent an appraiser from 90 miles away. He doesn't have access to the area MLS which is evident from the report and used what he could find that had been listed on a big city mls (to sell as weekend homes or because that area is part of that MLS). I questioned if he knows the area and he said he grew up in a town 25 miles away (that doesn't mean he knows the market).

Well we get the appraisal. The comps on there are as follows:

1. House not even in a neighboring county - actually in a county with much lower housing/land costs

2. A neighboring county - but over 30 miles away and although the house is comparable in size and age - 3 years older it is again in a different market and doesn't have acerage.

3. This is the BEST one!! This one actually is very close to us (within 5 miles). It is a 1600sq ft CAMP house that has an outhouse. The only indoor plumbing is to the kitchen sink. None of that is noted in the report though, but of course he doesn't know that because he doesn't know the AREA!! How do you compare a permanent custom built home with a CAMP house if you know the area. At least if he'd made appropriate adjustments.

4 & 5. Are listings on MLS - not sold - which are in the area and could be comps if they sold, however the age doesn't put them close and if you look in the mls here there are plenty more that would be more similar in size/age/acerage/style/amenities etc.

So I called a realtor in town to find out if there were no comps (this was before I figured out he was using the big city MLS). The realtor said few have sold similar to mine lately, but there are 2 that were very comparable and within a 10 mile radius that sold in the last 12 months. One even within 5 miles and it was NOT the camp house. They might not get what we would like the appraisal to be, but they are at least valid comps and much closer than what he used.

Actually if the camp house was used correctly comp wise with correct adjustments it would be a good comp as it sold for what I think is a huge amount for what it is.

So I called the Appraisal company because I want my money back. I paid to get a real appraisal. They told me I have to talk to my broker - which I already did and they are doing what they can, but can't talk to the appraisal guy himself.

I'm just annoyed at paying for such a hack job. Even the adjustments are a joke. I just gave you some of the gross errors/issues. When you look at the details there are many more, such as age adjustments, quality, acerage, etc.

Prices in this area have held steady in the last 3 years and looking at our old appraisal a 5 year difference in age got a $3000 adjustment. He put in $200 and $700 for a 10 year difference.

Anybody been successful in getting their money back or any suggestions how to get the money back.

Where can I find info on what is more the norm to use for some of the adjustments as I'm trying to build a case to get my money back.

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