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Living Room/Kitchen Dining makeover

12 years ago

I'm ready for a change after 12 years and need help! I didn't come with that decorator's gift. I just bought a hooker waverly table but haven't ordered chairs yet because I want to refresh my family room with new chairs. I love my deep burgundy leather couches--but everything else in this room can go. I also think it's time to get rid of the faux paint and modernize. My style is traditional with a bit of rustic--and yes, I love the tuscan look--but I heard it's starting to go out. I need help.
Any suggestions on type of chairs (thinking about a bench on one side), 2 chairs to replace the big old one (could I use them as extra dining chairs when needed? paint color, other furniture--I'm also getting rid of my hutch--and I want to stain my kitchen cabinets darker, stain the island black and update my fireplace. I'm going to stain the floors darker and replace the family room carpet later this year. I think this might be a year-long project.
I've included pics of all of this. I would love your suggestions.

This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:35

Comments (23)

  • 12 years ago

    Here's my fireplace/paint color right now. I'm going to replace the 90s green tile and victorian style fireplace with something more substantial--rustic and square lines--not sure what yet.

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:37

  • 12 years ago

    Here's my hutch next to the fireplace. I need something to store my DVD player, etc. Any ideas? The hutch is going away!

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:39

  • 12 years ago

    Here's my dining area--The table I ordered is 128" inches--almost as big as the whole room. I'm debating if I'll get rid of the rug--but if I change colors from red and yellow, I'll have to. I'm thinking about some type of rectangular light fixture.

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:40

  • 12 years ago

    Here's what the top of the table I ordered looks like. I'll have to wait for it to arrive for pics. Still thinking about chairs. Help??

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:54

  • 12 years ago

    I have to admit I am giggling a bit. Stephpin. I can't imagine why your pictures are upside down but if you click on them they are rightside up, and I bet if I wanted to do that on purpose I would never be able to figure it out!

  • 12 years ago

    This is my existing table - circa 1993..time for a fresh look--see the rug?

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:43

  • 12 years ago

    Here's the dining into the kitchen - Basic natural maple cabinets. Nothing too special--and they have yellowed over the many years (about 20). Any ideas on refreshing my kitchen? I thought about staining them darker--not sure what else I should do or can do to give them a more custom look.

    This post was edited by stephpin on Thu, Feb 14, 13 at 16:34

  • 12 years ago

    They are still upside down for me, even when I click on them.

  • 12 years ago

    Me too!

  • 12 years ago

    I think I just fixed everything--so they should be right side up. I'm pretty good at finding answers on google--a little rotating in preview and a save and they all turned back around. Unfortunately the gift of decorating is not my talent--even with a heavy dose of HGTV every day---so let me know your thoughts. I could use them :)

  • 12 years ago

    Is the tv staying above the fireplace? It seems a bit high for viewing. If the tv is staying there you can pay someone like Sears to install the wiring behind the wall. If you are redoing fireplace you can also add matching side cabinets which could hold all your tv components. I would go with transitional style dining chairs.

  • 12 years ago

    If you really want to update your look, you could consider painting the kitchen cabinets, instead of staining. That would really update that area and could lead to a whole new color scheme for your space.

  • 12 years ago

    I know you love your sofa's and they are pretty, but I think one is enough. Unless the whole room is saturated in sunlight, it looks like the center of the room is a black hole. With two dark and heavy sofas, dark and heavy ottoman, I don't think it matters what kind of chair you get because the eye will go to the "hole."

    The TV really stands out above the FP. Is there another place you could put it?

    You have a good space there but what's missing is light and "airyness," if that's a word. lol.

    More lamps would help also. Even the tiny accent lamps make a big difference.

  • 12 years ago

    Thanks for the input. Yes the tv is staying above the fireplace. I need to have the wires put behind the wall for the DVD player.

    I think you're right about it being a dark pit. I'm going to get rid of the ottoman but debating putting a glass coffee table or fabric ottoman in.

    I'm not sure if I want to paint the cabinets. I like wood but I will think about it. It would change the look of my kitchen dramatically.

    I'm still trying to decide what chairs. What do transitional chairs look like?

  • 12 years ago

    What are you planning to do with the hutch? If you're basically giving it away, you could paint it in a favorite color or perhaps white/cream (see below) for some inspirations.
    Also, I'm a huge fan of gel stain because it's a lot easier to produce good-looking results, but going dark might make the kitchen/dining room/living room too gloomy.

    What colors do you like? That would be a starting point for the rug and walls.

    Here is a link that might be useful: painted china cabinet

  • 12 years ago

    I think a key point with the ottoman is to balance out the massiveness of the couches with something less massive. If you go with an ulphostered, ottoman, I would use something slimmer. A wood table could be nice too. Then, to lessen the dark effect, you could keep your basket of books and add a plant, maybe some candles or a fake book box to hold the remotes.

    Other questions that come up are how do you use the space? How many people need to sit there? Do the 2 couches offer sufficient seating? If so, I would just remove the chair, then you can bring in dining room chairs on the few occasions you need more seating.

    If you are truly brave, you could use comfy, upholstered chairs at the head and foot of the dining table and then wood chairs on the sides for an eclectic mix (admittedly, I would be too chicken to do this, but I am a terrible housekeeper).

    As far as paint colors, how do you want the room to feel? Cozy like an English den? Bright and cheerful? What also comes into it is how much natural light the room receives when you are most likely to be using it.

    When you re-do the fireplace, I would look at small built-ins next on both sides to put the DVD player on.

  • 12 years ago

    If you want to update the kitchen, you could consider replacing the doors. Check out how linelle redid her kitchen. She kept the original boxes, added new doors and painted the frames. It was professionally done and looks amazing and for a fraction of what a gut job and new kitchen would cost.
    Gel stain the fireplace.

  • 11 years ago

    IMHO I would rearrange a little. Could you put your sofas in an L shape....one where it is and the other where the chair is..facing the TV/fireplace? You could put your reclining chair where the couch is or do away with it altogether. The light comning in the window will brighten your "black hole". Then you could use your ottoman or if you wanted you could get a glass coffee table and a matching table for where the sofas meet....put a lamp on it if the plug-in is available. If you can put the wires for your TV components in the wall fine, but meanwhile find a little chest...sort of like a night stand and put your components on top, inside or wherever. Now you have your little round table to use by the chair or somewhere else. I see you like plants around your house, as I do....makes everything look so fresh. As for the walls, I can see a light gold, light taupe or even a light grey,

  • 11 years ago

    I've attached below a site where all the rooms have two dark leather sofas so there's lots of inspiration to view. Take note of the items on the walls, lighter items open up the room and too many dark close it up. I also think an area rug would make a huge difference along with the fireplace painted. I hope these help you find a direction.

    Here is a link that might be useful: [rooms with two leather sofas.[(https://www.houzz.com/photos/kirkland-traditional-craftsman-living-room-seattle-phvw-vp~334286)

  • 11 years ago

    ellendi - do you have a link to linelle's kitchen redo? I've come to the conclusion that gutting and redoing kitchen is just not going to happen for a long time and am interested in replacing cabinet doors.

    Thanks, and sorry for the hijack.

  • 11 years ago

    We stained our yellowed maple cabinets and replaced the doors. Are you replacing your countertops? We originally thought we would have some sort of light brownish granite, but saw the green and had to have it. Between darkening the cabinets and the darker countertop, the kitchen is definitely darker overall, but we have enough natural light (and artificial light at night) that it's not a problem. Your kitchen may be different, especially if you are keeping the dark counters. Pictures below to show the difference.

  • 11 years ago

    Thank you for all the great ideas. I have done a lot of running around and looking around trying to find the right items to brighten my family room and make it feel cozy and bright at the same time.

    I ordered 2 light chairs to go at the head of my couches (where my recliner now is) I also ordered an upholstered ottoman with the colors I like--along with a pop of blue.

    I ordered med. brown leather chairs for my table--along with cream leather chairs when I need a lot of seating and 2 cream barstools. My favorite piece (it won't be here for a while) is an upholstered bench with a blue ikat design. I think it brings the punch in I need. I also got a white credenza to go behind my sofa. I'm hoping I can bring pops of color in with my accessories (that I need to still find) and pillows for my couches. I'm excited to introduce blue into my red, yellow, brown, cream color. I'm also going to lighten the walls up with some type of brownish-grey. I'll post pictures as things arrive.

    This post was edited by stephpin on Mon, Mar 18, 13 at 18:08

  • 11 years ago

    I think the problem is the couch on the end towards the table is causing major visual conjection going into the room. When you get the new stuff just for fun try moving that couch out of the room and replacing it with the two new chairs with a nice light end table between them . The room as is has no flow its just congested and adding two chairs to replace the one chair isn,t going to address that issue.Another poster mentioned putting the couchs in a L shaped pattern maybe that as well as the two new chairs set where the end couch is now would give you the seating you need as well as solve the conjestion problem. It all depends on the traffic flow threw the room is though. Visually you should be able to see threw the room from the main traffic flow paths. Putting the two chairs in place of the couch would address that from the dinning area but its that the main way you use the room or is it entered from one or both of the sides. I love the table you picked and your cabnets are a fine color for the low light in the room. I personally don,t mind mixing light and dark woods. If done right it adds visual interest to a room.