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Aisles of Piles

18 years ago

A couple years ago I was inside a neighbor's house. They were apparently re-doing a room somewhere and had things stacked in the living room. Or so I assumed.

This week I was in the house again. The living room looks about the same. There are aisles of piles in the house! Stacks and stacks piled on the floor, in the neatest manner you could imagine, with aisleways through the house. How those tidy stacks remain standing with kids and pets in the house is a mystery to me. It's like a maze. It took every ounce of effort I could muster to look at the neighbor and not stare at the piles and try to discover how they were constructed (some looked like just piles of newspapers, some piles of magazine, piles of books, piles of ???).

In any case, if this neighbor EVER mentions anything about housecleaning in the future, I'm telling her about FlyLady.

P.S. In desperation this week, I asked DH to take 2 huge bags of "stuff" to the Salvation Army. He agreed, then asked if the bags contained only clothes. This was a trick question... DH has a problem with getting rid of anything we might "need" someday. He hates getting rid of anything that is "still good". I admitted to packing up some old mini ice cube trays and some cookie cutters we never used, but nothing else, LOL. If DH had his way, we would also be living with aisles of piles.

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