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omg!!!! moving!!! i need hugs!

10 years ago

Plans for moving in a couple of years to our "vacation house" have been moved up to as soon as possible after May 15th (when roommate's lease expires).

Fortunately and unfortunately, it's a pretty well furnished house there and here - we'll shed duplicate belongings that aren't "worth" moving, and then bump anything I acquired for the vacation house that's not "worth" keeping. We're thinking in terms of "cubage cleared" rather than item count.

We have a LOT of stuff. Rented a storage unit over there for a year ... gives us time to figure out the logistics and do some improvements. I have a floor to finish over there.

So far:
15+ boxes of books out the door with more to go. (the major "collectible" ... I'll probably keep 50% of them)
Excess computer stuff identified for disposal/sale
Various things to charity, like the stair machine

Lots of stuff hit the trash - shredding of old pay stubs, etc.

And the usual pre-listing cleaning and repairs. Fortunately we've been keeping up on stuff like that, and can hire pros for most of it.

But the mind boggles.

Here is a link that might be useful:

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