First of all I know that there are worse things than what happened with my mil but I just can not believe the audcity of this women. While we were gone last Monday for me to get my head on straight and then in the hospital all week with the boys, while I was still recuperating from surgery and knowing that Peyton would have surgery this week. So we were out of town, my DH came home and MIL was in our house, not invited nor let into our house "cleaning". She did the same thing the next 3 days. If it was cleaning that would be fine but anything that she saw that wasn't in a place that she felt it should she threw away. She told me that they were not in their right places so she got rid of all of them. Here is a small list Herloom one of kind ornament that I was putting in my shadow box, A book that my grandpa always read me that I have only the original copy and it is out of print, all the cards and pictures from my grandparents that are gone and close friends, the baby bracelets from the boys and me when they were born, close to 50 dollars worth or craft supplies, kids social security cards. I keep finding more and more things missing everyday and then DH gets upset when I go looking.
My head aches at all times, I know that they are things and try not to affect my life with my kids and DH did tell her that she had no right to throw my things away. I can't let it go each time that I find or realize another thing is nice. She sent me 2 nasty emails and 8 to my DH and is making up things like how many times I called (2 times and she said 12 times). That my sil called her and told her all that I said (sil was in the shower when her dh talked to his mom). She is nuts and Dr. has recomended meds but she won't follow them. She just came into our house when we weren't here and did these things. I dug through my trash and found a couple of things but the majority are gone as she took the trash home to burn. She lies and says she didn't take things or throw them away and I have caught her in many lies about this subject. And note that this isn't the first time and she has been told at least 6 times that she isn't to come into our house without us here and not to ever throw anything away.
As of last night we couldn't call her anymore and as of today we can't visit. I have told the kids that we can't see grandma and grandpa. I don't care this women is nuts, if you want more examples I could write a book. She says the hardest thing she has ever done was be a mother in law and that all her daughter in laws do terrible things to her and are ungrateful b(*&*((. Well DUHHHH if all 5 of her daughter in laws don't get along with her maybe she might be the problem. I understand that I can't reason with her but each day as I go look for something or the kids look for something and it is gone. I then spend hours looking for it not to mention the 55 dollar plumber charge for fixing the things that she broke like dishwasher and garbage disposal.
I can't get over my anger, I can not imagine anyone in the world just going into someone elses house and throwing their things away without their knowledge or permission. Am I out of bounds for being upset. Help I keep going through things over and over again and am about to loose it. You all know the stress in my life and our current illness, her exact words are get over it,
I just found the following email from this morning that I haven't had time to reply to. Here is part of it. And no it isn't true and I have someone come in once a week to help me with the house, and I have 4 kids and lots of things going on.
"In the past, I had sent things along with you and when coming to see us sometime later, they were still in the back of the pickup along with a lot of garbage. Dan has brought pickup loads of stuff here to be dumped or burned and we couldnt believe what was in that.
Sometime ago, I said something to you about "less is more". The last three times when we came to see you, we literally had to shovel our way into the house. And if one thinks about it long enough, itÂs never been any different in any house you have ever lived in. I will "live and let live". And if thatÂs the way you want to live, thatÂs perfectly all right with us. All we want for you and yours is to be happy and we canÂt do that for you.
Stuff? The only important thing is that someday we will have the right stuff to get into Heaven. Then the rest of all this stuff wonÂt make any difference.
We have always loved you and we will always love you but for now, I have chosen to no longer be a part of your lives  then, hopefully, you wonÂt have any more problems, stress, etc. Then you will have to blame something/someone else."
All of the above is not true, as to our pickup, it isn't my job to unload heavy things, DH decided to put the phone in the garage because our plaster and lathe walls wouldn't support it because it weighs 40 pounds at least.
Okay long enough I know, but what do I do. I am still missing things, Do I go over to her house and look in the trash for them. I don't know what to do, I am at my wits end and it isn't a far jump. Peyton is scheduled for surgery Wednesday and I will be there alone that night and next day. I need to focus my energy on that not the crazy women who stole my things.
girlsingardensOriginal Author
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