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My kids are sucking down all the juice!

12 years ago

This may sound like the most ridiculous question ever posted here, but I'm really stumped about how to handle it. I have three kids, age 19, 16, and 10. The older two are boys and as you can imagine, they consume a lot of food. So here's my problem. DS1 drinks a lot of juice. DS2 also does, but slightly less. DD, the youngest, drinks maybe 1/2 cup of juice in the morning and occasionally, will drink another 1/2 cup in the afternoon. So the boys are drinking way more juice than she is. So it's not "equitable." Also, juice is expensive! On Monday, I bought two half-gallons of juice (or whatever that size is). This morning, it is all gone. I am not going to the store again today to buy more juice!

A couple of months ago, I tried this solution: I bought each kid his/her OWN bottle of juice and labeled each one. This was okay, but honestly, it takes up too much space in the fridge and I felt like it was kind of silly. Plus DH likes to have some OJ, so then I'd need 4 containers of juice. My fridge isn't that big! (I don't drink juice.)

Have you had any kind of similar situation? We have the same problem with other items. For instance, if I buy Oreos, DD will have 2 at a time, the boys will suck down 4 at a time, and by day 3, DD is looking for a cookie and they're gone! So when I buy some coveted food like Oreos, I now divide the package equally in 3 ways and put them in 3 ziploc bags labeled with each kid's name. So DD can make her Oreos last for 2 weeks while the boys inhale theirs.

I told DH I wanted to just stop buying juice altogether, but he likes to have juice, so that's not really fair to him.


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