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My Sweet Furkid's Terrible Post-Op Complications

10 years ago

I am devastated. My sweet dobie, Ronin, had to have a toe on his right front paw amputated last week. I took him in initially because he had started limping and I thought he might have somehow broken or sprained his toe. It was quite swollen and icing it and keeping him off it did not see to help. The vet (a new one for us because our longtime vet retired) examined it and took an x-ray of the foot. He told me that it looked like a large osteosarcoma (cancerous bone tumor) in that toe. He said that these kind of cancers are more common in large German breed dogs such as Dobermans, Rottweiler's, German Shepherds, etc. as they get older.

We scheduled the amputation of the toe for last Tuesday. It all went well the vet told me and sent us on our way around 5PM that evening (8 hours post-op) with instructions to bring him back the following Tuesday (this past Tuesday) and gave me a bottle of meds for pain.

I'd told him we had to drive with DD back to college at the University of Oklahoma on that Saturday morning and would be flying back Monday evening, but that our housesitter would be there with him those 3 days and could bring him in before if he wanted to see Ronin earlier. He told me no and that following Tuesday would be fine.

This past Tuesday I took him back for his check-up and the foot is terribly infected with open oozing sores caused by the bandages being put on too tightly and no antibiotics given and some of the tissue has died from lack of blood circulation. The toe next to the amputated one is hugely swollen and tissue necrotized. The vet apologized profusely and blamed himself. There is a very high possibility that my poor boy will have to have the next toe or even his foot amputated in the next few days and I am devastated! And, the biopsy of the toe came back negative for cancer. It was just a badly infected bone cyst.

I feel like the worst mom in the world. Why didn't I think to ask why he wasn't prescribing antibiotics? For pete's sake, his toe was just cut off! And why did I trust this guy when he said Ronin's first post-op visit was 8 days after the surgery?!?!? I trusted him! Those days after his surgery were filled with taking care of Ronin and getting DD packed for college.

Since this past Tuesday, I have been taking him back to the vet's every afternoon (30 minutes away) to have his foot checked and dressing changed. Last night DH, a family practice doc, called the vet and suggested we put him on a super-antibiotic. DH was a pharmacist for 5 years before heading to medical school, so he knows his drugs. The vet agreed. 8 pills cost over $100, but Ronin is so worth every penny and more.

I am sick with worry and feel so responsible because I took him to this new vet and then stupidly trusted his decisions. Now I need a miracle so that my sweet furkid doesn't lose another toe or his entire foot.

Will you keep him in your thoughts or prayers for me, please? He's such an innocent, sweet, gentle, loving boy and he didn't deserve this. Below is a pic of him

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