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Sourdough Starter

17 years ago

I'm making the sourdough starter referenced by Ann and Michelle.

48 hours have passed and , although it is bubbling and frothing it surely hasn't doubled, not even close.

I find her instructions ambiguous.

" By the time it has doubled, there will be a noticeable network of small bubbles throughout the batter & it will be foaming & bubbling on top. (If the batter has not doubled within 48 hours, feed with 2 oz water & 2 oz flour (add more of either if necessary for the consistency) and let it sit another 24 hours or until you see some definite activity.) "

The instructions say " by the time it has doubled there will be a noticeable network of small bubbles throughout the batter & it will be foaming & bubbling on top. I have the activity, not the double.

Then she says add flour and water and let sit for 24 hours until I have the activity...again I have lots of that , just not the double.

Those of you who have done this , must I have the bubbling and a double on the first step?

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