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connecting laptop

16 years ago

I received a laptop from my DH, a beautiful Toshiba Satellite L350 series. He figured I could surf and read ebooks in the family room instead of being off in the pc room. I already have a desktop and just assumed I could turn the laptop on and it would work off the wireless. After all it has this nifty little satellite button and icon. :) It doesn't work that way. I have to pay 55. for a new router to replace the Linsky Ethernet 4 port and 75. for the tech to configure and install. I told the tech 2 yrs ago when he hooked up my wireless that I wanted to get a laptop eventually so why didn't he put in the other route then?! I also wanted to be able to take my laptop with me when I visit family. I'm wondering if perhaps I would be better using a different server, perhaps my cable system or phone system. How do other people manage to use their laptops outside of their homes. What else do I need to do? I'm sure I sound a little "stupid" but I thought it was a lot simpler and cheaper. Setting up the desktop was a lot easier.


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