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Can't decide between Kindle Fire HD & Asus TF300

12 years ago

I really want a tablet, but won't pay for an iPad. I went in to Staples to look at the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 in person. Ended up talking to the sales guy who said if I am going to spend $299 for the Fire I might as well get the Asus TF300 for $349.

He said that it is faster than the Kindle and has 32 GB rather than the 16 the Kindle has. Also has the rear-facing camera I was hoping for. But I am totally confused. The specs show that the Kindle has better screen resolution but only a dual core processor. The screen images in-store were stunning. I want this mostly for web-surfing, email, reading and streaming videos.

I have a Kindle 3G keyboard model which I love for reading, but I am concerned about how Amazon restricts your access to things on their products. Then again it may not matter based on what I plan to do with it.

I hadn't finished researching what I wanted when Amazon had their one day offer this week of $50.00 off the Kindle so I decided to jump and buy it. Will return it unopened if I decide to go for another tablet.

Can anyone offer any advice?

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