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Having problems with new dsl connection

15 years ago

Microsoft Windows XP Pro

Version 2002

Service Pack 3

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+

2.00 GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM

I had posted the other day about changing from internet cable to high speed dsl because of unreliable connections. I've done that. :) The speed is great but I'm having a few problems.

I'm finding that some (~25%) pages will not load on a first click...some will load load on a 2nd click and a few won't load at all until I restart Firefox. Also, the little "progress wheel" on the tab will not stop turning even after the page has loaded. A few times the tab has frozen and I can't do anything but close the application. Firefox then appears closed but I get an error message that it is still running if I try to restart it. I then have to restart Windows. I've never had a problem with pages loading with the cable.

I spoke to CenturyLink's tech for quite some time night before last. He checked all my resources and everything was fine. He had me restart Windows, turn off the modem and restart. I reinstalled Firefox with no difference. Today I tried installing a previous version of FF with the same results.

At first I tried logging on with Internet Explorer, thinking if it's aFirefox problem that I wouldn't encounter the same problems on IE, but it's the same.

The tech wants me to borrow a laptop, connect the modem with it, install FF and see if I have the same problems with a different computer.

Could it be a mouse problem that has popped up coincidentally at the same time I switched to dsl? I'm flummoxed. :)

If anyone has any ideas on what might be going on, I'd appreciate it. Is there anything else I should try or just check back in after I try another computer? Thanks in advance.


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