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Arrow keys erratic

The up/down/left/right 'arrow' keys on my new HP unit with Windows 7 only work correctly now & then while I'm working in a text box at GW. Also, they sort of work - the cursor disappears when I hit any of the U/D/L/R keys. When I hit any other key, the cursor reappears where it normally would be, in the proper position, but I just can't watch it's progress as it moves over the text when using the arrow keys. When it's malfunctioning, the cursor also disappears when I try to use the mouse to reposition the cursor within the text, only to reappear as soon as I hit any key other than the arrow keys. I'm unable to detect any pattern or rhyme/reason why. So far, GW's the only site where I've encountered this issue. I swapped keyboards & it's the same issue for both boards. Any suggestions? It's driving me nutts. I'm a frequent poster over on the garden side.


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