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new malware alert! set passwords on routers

there is a new type of malware being reported, it involves video codecs. For example you go to a site that has a video you want to watch, but it pops up saying you do not have the proper codec to view it you must click to install the codec to be able to view. So you do and that was the mistake, it installs zlob trojan/ DNS changer. What is very different here is that this targets your router, both wired and wireless. It will do a brute force attempt on your router to try to break the user name and password to gain control of your router. The big problem here is that many many people never bother to set up a user name and password on their router so in those cases it has quick access. For those that use simple word passwords those are quickly cracked too. Now it will have control of your router and there fore your network.

The important thing to do here is go into your router settings and immediately change the user name and password to something strong, which means not a real word but a combo of letters and numbers, write it down and store it so you can find it, a good idea is to print it on a label maker and stick it to the bottom of your router.

Here is the article by Brian plus a link to an article on how to secure your router. All routers come with instructions on how to access the settings area and how to set up user names and passwords.···e_1.html

secure your router

since this affects the router this is not only a windows exploit.

change those passwords now!

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