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A new Philodendron is born...

Hi everyone!

I haven't checked in here in forever ... I feel like you're a group of cousins and aunts and uncles that I see maybe once or twice a year but still think of often ... LOL Whenever I log on it's like a mini family reunion or something!

Well....someone asked on another thread and YES! the baby has arrived. Little Aaron was born on March 25 at 6:48 a.m. in regular dramatic fashion - as all my children's births seem to have been. In the week or so leading up to his birth my blood pressure went up (as it did with Sarah) and my doctor was concerned ... he sent me for observation at the hospital and also to confirm his suspicions that baby had shifted into a transverse, or sideways position. The on-call doctor was gung ho to do the section that day or the next and I told her no, that I needed time to process everything and read up about it because I had wanted to do another vaginal delivery.

WE went home, waited a few days, and on Wednesday my labor started. The night before I had been having mild contractions but nothing regular and not even that painful. Then by 4 a.m. they really started and because we didn't know where he was, decided to head to the hospital around an hour later. We got there in about 25 minutes, my water broke the minute I signed the insurance papers to check myself in, and when they checked me, I was already fully dilated. LOL This was like by 5:45 a.m. or so..they did the ultrasound and confirmed he was a footling breech. While most of the medical personnel in the room practically panicked I remained calm (up until the point where they had stuck me four times trying to run an IV line!) through all the contractions and everything. They were more painful than my last labor, but if he'd been head down it was definitely nothing I couldn't tolerate. My husband was nearly ready to throw up when they mentioned doing another section, but I was okay with it, considering that I know that not many OB's know how to skillfully perform a breech birth nowadays because c-sections are the preferred route.

Once they delivered him, they found out his cord was wrapped around him twice, so that was my sign from above that things were meant to go the way they did. The Lord sort of met me in the middle with this one - I got most of my prayer requests granted, but especially the important one - that my baby was healthy and delivered safely. :)

He's beautiful and healthy and looks like a fatter version of his brother .. LOL The first thing I said when I saw him was, "He looks like Winston Churchill!" The double chin was just too much. LOL

And here he is, the newest CF member by default, all 8 lbs. 7 oz. of him!


(Whoa, that's a ginormous picture. Sorry!)

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