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another facebook issue even for those not on facebook

Facebook Photos: Opt-Out or Tag You're It


"Sharing photos is one of the most popular options for Facebook users. More than 100 million people are tagged in photos each day the Facebook blog posted proudly in December when Facebook made photo tagging easier with facial recognition software that suggests people's name to tag in photos. The software groups similar photos together with suggested names of friends who have been tagged previously. If you love posting pictures, this is a handy feature, but if you didn't want to be tagged? Too bad, so sad as the burden to untag yourself is on you.

Worse, still, if you don't want to be part of Facebook ... this feature alone could more-or-less "force" you into joining. That's because the only way to control if your photographed identity appears on the social networking site, is to have an account that sets privacy settings."

"What if the photo is not an adult, but of children at family gatherings or birthday parties? Should children be allowed to be tagged in photos? It happens and many parents resent it."

That really upsets me, I want no part of facebook yet someone can put my picture up and then it is up to ME to police it and I MUST join facebook to be able to do so.

Wrong wrong wrong.


"An opt-out instead of an opt-in privacy policy is ludicrous, yet why should Facebook change its ways when this is its standard operating procedure? Time and again, Facebook violates privacy first, then fixes the problem after a public outcry."

They try to get away with it hoping no one will notice and then when it backfires on them they act all innocent and opps sorry let us fix that. How many times can they get away with that BS.

and then people wonder why they show up on search engines!!! or even worse their child's picture is found on a pedophile site.

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