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Vermiculture noob saying hello w/ a question

10 years ago

Hello vermiculture world.
I've recently started a worm bin out of an old styrofoam cooler and used shredded junk mail and some cardboard for the bedding. I went to my local bait shop for red wigglers but they only had the European nightcrawlers which I read still work but they only had 30.

I also read that they would live with red wigglers and they would work together in the bin so I ordered a lb. of them and they should be here in 3-4 days. Will they really cohab without a problem or should I take out the European nightcrawlers and throw them in my garden?

I also have been seeing pill bugs in my garden that I've been removing by hand and someone told me to add them to my worm bin instead of tossing them in my yard waste bin. Does that seem like a good idea?

Thnx in advance

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