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A few simple questions

17 years ago

More of my silly questions....

1. For the two (now three) years I have been canning, I have bought Ball jars, lids, rings. No particular reason, just what I saw in the store. A couple of weeks ago, I needed more pint jars. I went to three stores and all were out of Ball! But, they all had Kerr. So, I finally gave in and bought the Kerr jars. I am not biased against Kerr, but here is my question. Do I have to pay attention and only use Ball lids and rings with Ball jars and Kerr lids and rings with Kerr jars or does it not matter? ... Please tell me it doesn't matter.

2. I made applesauce tonight. Thank you all for telling me (via others' threads) that I can cook the apples without coring and peeling and then put them through a food mill - oh my, this was SO much easier! My food mill, I don't even know the brand, I believe is what you would call a Foley-like. It has three filters. How would one decide which filter to use? I used the finest. I put several scoops of apples (cooked) in, then turn it for awhile, back turn it, and then scrape the good stuff off the bottom and the bad stuff into the garbage and repeat. This is really stupid, I know, but how do you know when you have got all the good stuff out? it turned a bit dryish looking, that's when I quit.

3. I think I had a bit less yield doing the applesauce this way and I am surprised. In the last two years, when I peeled and cored first, I got 1 pound of apples gave 1 pint of sauce (measuring pounds before peeling and coring). This time I had 8 pounds of apples and got 7 pints. Not a big difference, I know, but still - did I not extract all I could?

4. This bit about using only fruit/vegetables from healthy plants and so forth. I asked this before, but am more worried now. I have not attended to my garden well for a couple of weeks due ot other things going on. we have had a few quite cool nights (35° or so), but so far not a hard freeze. Cool enough to kill the basil, but not other plants. And then some nice warm days. Most of my tomato plants are rather dead looking. But there are still tomatoes on them. Can I use those? I would love to make more salsa, but am a bit concerned about the tomatoes. The other option is that I just freeze them. Similarly, there are quite a few toms on the ground. Obviously I would not try to can any that are soft or rotted or damaged, but what about the ones that really do look okay? I guess the question is, how careful are you about the fruit/veggie you use?

Same question applies to peppers. And to windfall apples.

OK, I think I'm done for now. Thanks for the help. I have to go to bed because, unlike Annie, I need my 7-8 hours of sleep per night :))


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