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How long does corned beef keep?

16 years ago


I've joined this forum in the hopes that you knowledgeable people might answer a question for me!

My partner and I have a dinner party planned that features corned beef that we have preserved ourselves. This is our first attempt at curing meat and we're a bit paranoid about things like botulism. We don't want to kill our guests!

So this party is happening two weeks later than originally planned. We believe we have cured the meat correctly, but are unsure of what to do now that it will spend an additional two weeks in the fridge, in brine.

Here's what we did:

We have an 8-pound brisket (grass-fed highland cattle, yum) This was thawed at room temperature overnight, and was still mostly frozen in the morning, so it was put in the refrigerator. There it sat for 3-4 days before we got the brine going.

Our recipe: Based on Joy of Cooking recipe, with our changes indicated. We could not source Prague Powder #2, so we substituted Morton Tender Quick, calculating for the relative percentages of Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate.

4 quarts hot water

1/3 cup of Morton Tender Quick (Joy uses 1.5 teaspoons Prague powder)

1 2/3 cups salt (Joy uses 2 cups, we reduced salt to allow for extra Tender Quick)

1/4 cup sugar

2 Tablespoons pickling spice

8 lbs beef brisket (Joy recipe is for 5 lbs)

Lots of garlic!

Conversion between Prague powder and Tender Quick based on sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate amounts:

Prague powder is 6.25% sodium nitrite and 4% sodium nitrate.

Tender Quick is 0.5% sodium nitrite and 0.5% sodium nitrate - approximately 10 fold lower, with the rest made up by salt.

So we used 10 fold more Tender Quick (1-third cup) to substitute for Prague powder (1.5 teaspoons).

ie 1.5 teaspoons x 10 = 15 teaspoons = 75 milliliters = 0.31 cups ~= 1-third cups.

OK, so after four weeks, (Joy recommends three weeks curing) the meat is pink and lovely. It smells and looks fantastic.

Most of my concern is that it will be yet another week before we cook it. That's two weeks later than Joy's curing time.

Does anyone see any safety issues with this? Other issues? Will it be too salty because of the extra brining time?

Thanks so much,


Madison, WI

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