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First a Michelia alba and now a gardenia!

I can just hear the chorus singing 'One of us! One of us!' Laugh.

So tonight while at Lowe's I spotted what is labeled a Gardenia jasminoides 'Veitchii' loaded with buds for 7 bucks. The only one blooming looked more like Kleim's Hardy (which I hope it is since I've heard they are much more forgiving in a pot).
The one I picked has over 35 buds.

I plan on treating it like an annual and not attempting to winter it over (for such a cheap price why bother?).

I'm tempted not to mess with the roots and just keep it in the black nursery pot and just slip it into a terracotta pot.
All the posts I've seen about gardenias purchased and immediately re-potted have been disastrous. Seems like the leaves always yellow and the buds always fall off.

If it's done this well so far why mess with a good thing is my theory.

Might change my mind but am interested in others experience with just leaving them in the nursery pot when they have buds.


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