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Michelia Alba Plant- garden advice

8 years ago

I have tried posting my plant issue in a few forums and have not received many responses. I found a Michelia Alba tree at a place called Harry P Leu Gardens in Central Florida. This tree was in bloom and smelt incredible. I found one on line and it was shipped to me in one day. I paid a lot and want it to survive. I am in one 9a it appears. I was going to keep this plant in a ceramic clay pot so that I could move it in the winter when it gets cold. I planted this in a clay pot with a drain hole. I wanted to be sure the soil was well drained. I used miracle grow potting soil, added extra perlite and then added more peat moss. I had read online that this plant liked mostly well drained soil and did well with a lot of perlite. I also read the leaves liked to be wet during the day. Since it was a 3 gallon size plant and new I kept it out of full blazing florida sun. I put the plant in a partially shaded area and watered daily for the first week. I think maybe that is too much now because the leaves don't seem totally happy. Now I am backing off the water starting tomorrow but in the meantime the problem I encountered was a light weight crumbly white particle on top of my leaves. The particles appeared like a crumbly sawdust.... I mixed a dilution of two tablespoons of neem oil to 1 gallon of water. Then I poured some into a spray bottle and sprayed the leave at 8:30 am in the shade. I sprayed front and back. I noticed an interesting little white spider and it was not a spider mite. I know what those are. Then as I kept spraying a light green larger spider came out and it had a bright orange design on it's back. It was actually a beautiful spider. I can not identify it however the white particles are now gone and I have not noticed the spider. I have pictures posted under "magnolia alba help" as the topic or "michelia alba" but I have not received much in the way of response or help,

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