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Tsuga photo gallery 2011

12 years ago

Hemlocks of all kinds!

The feathery foliage of hemlocks make it a great conifer to create textural diversity in the garden.

Feel free to post your own heterophylla, canadensis, mertensiana, dumosa, caroliniana, diversifolia, or sieboldii.

A few of mine:

canadensis 'Betty Rose' (I moved her to shade because her light-colored foliage began to burn in the sun.)

mertensiana 'Bump's Blue' (the best blue color I've seen)

mertensiana 'Sherwood Dwarf'

mertensiana 'Elizabeth' I believe she was discovered atop Mt. Rainier...

diversifolia 'Gracilis'

diversifolia 'Loowit' (purchased as a mature specimen!)

dumosa (yunnanensis)


canadensis 'Gentsch White' pruning seems to improve the white flushes (denser growth habit creating a more spectacular show in spring and subsequent flushes possible later in the year)


Please share yours also!


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