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planting new tree in same spot as old tree was

18 years ago

The recent winds in my area caused the mature magnolia tree on the parkway in front of my house to shed many of its limbs.Actually the limbs cracked and split off. (never in 26 years had this tree given us any problems with its branches, although the roots have caused frequent sewer line problems!) The city wants to remove the tree completely in a month. They want to plant a new small tree in the same spot.

My question is, can a new tree be successfully planted in the same spot, considering that most of the root system from the magnolia is still going to be there?? Unless the city wants to destroy my lawn, my neighbor's driveway, the street, and the sidewalk, they are NOT going to be able to remove all of the root system. What do you think?

Are there any questions I should be asking the city?

Thanks for any guidance!

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