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Fertilizing Tea Roses in the Winter?

All my Tea roses (Le Vesuve, Mme. Melanie Wilermoz, Devoniensis Cl., Georgetown Tea, Rhodologue Jules Gravereaux) are producing buds and flowers right now, but they don't seem to have much energy to develop their gorgeous flowers very well. Of course, it could be the season (cooler temperatures, less light), but I am wondering for quite a while now if I need to fertilize my Tea roses through the autumn and winter here in SoCa to keep them looking at their best. I stopped feeding the Teas together will all my other roses in October.

What is your opinion and experience regarding this topic? Do you fertilize your Tea roses all year round? And if so, what type of fertilizer do you use? Since I am gardening completely organically I would be especially interested to hear what organic fertilizer you are preferring at this time of the year. Thanks for any answers in advance.


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