About me: I love you're antique rose site. I'd also love to have a page of links to who sells antique roses in america because findmyroses.com has only a few nurserys listed.

My zone is: emeryville
GardenWeb Member: luxrosa - December 30, 2004
Commented: Need a new white 'Mrs. Herbert Stevens' is a Hybrid Tea that was bred from the Tea rose 'Niphetos' and its blooms exhibit the exquisite delicacy that Tea roses are famous for possessing. The climbing form can be use...
in Northwestern Gardening  
Commented: Opinions on comte de chambord rose My C.deC came from a cutting I got from Luannes plant, which she bought from Vingage gardens. It is an attractive plant even between flushes. The damask scent of the blossoms is Wow- Wow- Wow- Wow...
in Antique Roses  
Commented: If someone named a rose after you, what would it be called? I'd rather a rose be named after one of my cats: Lulu, Minnie, or Little Lad, Lux
in Antique Roses