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Your favorite Bourbon rose

dublinbay z6 (KS)
10 years ago

I predict that Souvenir de la Malmaison (or its nearly identical twin Mystic Beauty) will rank very high on this list, so let's say what are your two favorite top Bourbons other than SDLM?

But if you have an especially nice pic of SDLM, do feel free to show it to us!

Once again, since I have only one Bourbon, this is an easy choice for me. I expect to learn a lot from this thread also.

Mystic Beauty (available only at Roses Unlimited, I think)

Here's a somewhat bushy look at Mystic Beauty:

OK--I'm waiting to see your favorite top two Bourbons now. : )


This post was edited by dublinbay on Tue, Dec 24, 13 at 10:04

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