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Question about Composting Large Amounts of Stuff

17 years ago

I am an organic gardener in west Tennessee. I have a seven acre place, of which one acre are peach, plum and nectarine trees, and another half acre is a series of unwalled raised beds with grass walkways between rows.

This is my first year doing serious composting.

For browns, I have collected:

Eight pickup truck loads full of loose, partly mowed, leaves off the curb of the road where a nearby town's residents left them for the garbageman;

About 60 or so bags of leaves, some of which have actually been shredded before they were bagged;

Six square bales of straw that have been around the farm for a couple of years and are getting rather old now -- they have pretty much broken up on their own but still have a ways to go before they will be compost;

Another 12 square bales of straw that have only been on the farm about 10 months and are still very much in their square bale form without any noticible composting having taken place in the bales;

Crop residue left from my 50 feet of bush lima beans, plus the residue from my 40 feet of climbing lima and green beans, plus the leftover plants from my fall cabbage, broccoli, and lettuce plants;

For greens, I have collected:

Somewhere around 500 to 800 pounds of Starbucks coffee grounds (and hoping to collect more today);

Garden cart full of hot horse manure that I collected from my neighbor's barn.

In addition, I have one pickup truck load of old, fully composted horse manure.

Right now, I have separate mounds for different types of composting materials:

One mound of the vegetable garden residue;

One mound of many of these shredded leaves with Starbucks coffee and lime mixed well into the mound;

One mound of shredded leaves without Starbucks coffee and lime;

Plus I still have the 60 bags of leaves still in their bags, and a large pile of the leaves waiting to be moved.

Right now, I have the compost heaps segregated by their ingredients.

My question is this: given the fact that I have so much stuff to compost, would it be better to leave the material in many 3 foot tall, 4 foot wide compost piles, or else gather all the material into one single, very huge compost pile?

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