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Least bad weeds for compost

7 months ago

I’m interested in the “ most compostable “ weeds, if I get to where I can identify them. Or the least worst. Because I could use more “ greens” in dry leaf composter; it will always be cold composting, but more greens would help. I don’t put my kitchen waste in the leaf bins because I do a lidded compost for that to keep out varmints. But I do put in plant & shrub trimmings, veggie plant stalks & roots, stuff like that.

I will not compost that jumping seed weed ! Gah, I hate that one.

Since I have several leaf bins, I could devote just ONE to include weeds. Then use that for easiest place to pull any weeds. Which actually might be veggie beds, since that soil is very fluffy and easily accessible; it’s annuals, so is intended to be disturbed regularly.

Any thoughts?

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