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Snow blower advice

18 years ago

I plan to replace my 10 year old Murray Spirit snow blower. Tired of wrestling with it and some of it problems.One of my requirements on a new blower are hand warmers. I am considering 3 different machines. Two of them are Ariens, a model 11528LE or 11528DLE. Both of them are 11.5 HP but are seperated by a few hundred dollars in price. The third machine is a Husqvarna 1130SBE-XP. It retails for about the same price as the Ariens 11528LE. The major differences are between the Husky and the Ariens is the size of the impeller(Ariens-14in/Husky-12in) and the auger(Ariens-16in/Husky-12in). The other item is tire size. The Husky has 16"x6.5" ,the Ariens LE is 15"x5" and the DLE is 16"x4.8".

Do these variations have a major impact as far as handling and snow blowing ability? Any suggestions as to the use of these machines? Our average annual snowfall is 180 plus inches with occasional years in excess of 300 inches.

Does anybody have experience with these choices?

Ariens has a good reputation in our area but I hear very little about Husqvarna.

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